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What we’re about

Our Meetup group is an adjunct of University Galacticus at .

Some of our members believe that our mission in life is, "to raise awareness about the extraterrestrial agenda for human advancement". What are the alien agendas for our future? We want to develop a working hypothesis. Our philosophy is based upon the teachings of Suzy Hansen and Jeff Selver, plus evidence. We try to remain evidence based and Richard Dolan is a big influence at
Our meetings are online and recorded as Zoom videos to be posted publicly and freely, on anyone’s channel. We have our own video channel, "Preparing for E.T. Contact" at . Our purpose is to make videos so your questions for our guests are essential and we thank you for your help. These videos reach hundreds of people per day, on other channels.
We always need volunteers, especially for video editing, which is easy to do and we can train you.

We are working on the hypothesis that the Greys are a front for a federation of planets which includes mantids, Nordics and other ETs, which follows the guidance of a Universal Governing Body, for this planet. The extraterrestrial agenda for Earth is a good thing for humanity. Some Greys are further from source but the vast majority are good. We feel that there has been an unfair attack upon the Greys’ reputation so we advocate for them. The Greys want to bring planet Earth on board, into a federation of planets. This Preparing for E.T. Contact Meetup group is aligned towards these ideals.

The Greys want us to develop spiritually so this Meetup also advocates for people's spiritual development. The E.T.s are working behind the scenes to bring in star-seed children, or whatever people want to call them, who can greatly improve society and turn us around. They want to work slowly and surely to have gradual UFO disclosure. They want little groups like ours to tell as much truth as we know, because the big governments should not do so, as "the world can't handle the truth". We are opposed to full UFO disclosure. We are in harmony with government and military and political power, on maintaining UFO secrecy but with gradual Disclosure.

If you would like to donate to covering our costs you can use PayPal at our Membership Dues section, on the left side of the page at "Photos" above, or use this link: . You don't have to believe in our Philosophy to come and check us out!

Brian has three videos with the big picture of his philosophy:
Hierarchical Structure of Power from Aliens to Humans
Update on God and the Big Picture of Reality
Planetary Aquisition

Zoom Etiquette
We will meet frequently, whenever it suits our guests and hosts. We try to meet on Saturdays or Sundays at 11:00 am, PST but we also meet weeknights or anytime. We use "passcode" on Zoom so you don't get stuck in the waiting room. Often with passcode you don't even need to enter the code. Our Zoom etiquette is, would you please mute your mike when not engaging with the speaker as it creates problems for our video editors later when they try to edit and produce the videos. Please have your mike off unless asking a question. Thanks. And on a busy question day, one question at a time but you can ask the speaker a follow up question.

Please join us and discuss the biggest issues in this world and beyond!

Please read many aspects of our philosophy, goals and direction. Below are links to pages of our philosophy on Google Docs.
Things Volunteers Can Do
The Big Picture of the World
Goals and Plan of Action
Hierarchical Structure of Power from Alien to Humans
Dealing with People's Reactions to our Views
Standard of Truth
Academy of the Federation of Planets
Mary Rodwell and Brian's Correspondence 2018 - 2022
Mastermind Alliance for Meetup
University Galacticus venture
Brian Ruhe's E.T. Hypothesis and Sources

Upcoming events (2)

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