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Re: [pug-96] The Broward County Pug Meet Up is looking for a new Organizer

From: Rachel
Sent on: Sunday, December 29, 2013, 7:24 PM

-----Original Message-----
From: Tracey <[address removed]>
To: pug-96-announce <[address removed]>
Sent: Sun, Dec 29,[masked]:45 pm
Subject: [pug-96] The Broward County Pug Meet Up is looking for a new Organizer

Hello Everyone,
Thank you for being part of the Broward County Pug Meet up Group. I have loved being the organizer and getting to meet so many wonderful pugs and their people. My co organizer, Black Jack (John) and I are moving to North Carolina in a few weeks and need some one to take over the meet ups.  We have paid the dues til mid February. The Organizer schedules meet ups and play dates. They may select co organizers to help.  We liked to mix them up at various places as well as schedule dog related events- We have lots of those coming up which I will post.  If you are interested in being the new organizer please let me know.  If no one steps up to take over the meet up it will end.  Please do not let that happen!!
Thank you,
Tracey and John Carr

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Meetup, POB 4668 #37895 NY NY USA 10163 | [address removed]

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