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Looking for 3D modelling artist

From: Ton
Sent on: Monday, October 17, 2016, 6:27 PM

Hi Everyone,

My boss instructed me to look for a local 3D modelling/animation artist so here I am. I am looking for someone or a company who can work during business hours on a per project basis. These will be paid projects and could lead to a continued relationship if we like your work. Knowledge of building materials would be an asset but it can be explained. We mostly need renders of products and animations of their compositions. Anyone interested please email me at [address removed] with a rate sheet and link to portfolio. Thanks! 


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On Oct 17, 2016, at 9:08 AM, Elias Carciente <[address removed]> wrote:

Hello everyone,

Given the employment situation currently experienced by Calgary and the way it affects the local economy, A group of people decided to try and do something about it. It is called "Calgary Evolution" and it aims to prevent the massive exodus of brain power from Calgary, find ways to get everyone busy and even attract more talent.

We need help on the branding and digital presence, but at the moment this is all a voluntary effort with no funding so far. There is a good chance of business and media exposure though.

I am attaching the draft of the draft of the project.

Please let me know if there is any interest. 

Best regards


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