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Open Source Conference w/ Twilio; Foursquare; Wikimedia + Queens Tech Volunteer Meeting

From: user 4.
Sent on: Friday, March 15, 2013, 1:23 PM

Hey Techies,

For this month's Queens Tech event, we're excited to help organize New York's first Open Source Conference with 10Gen and other organizers in exploring how Open Source technologies are powering NYC tech. There will be great speakers from Twilio, Wikimedia, Shapeways, Foursquare, and more.

The conference will take place on Saturday, March 30th from 9:30am to 4:30pm in the Hunter’s Point Event Space in Long Island City. We have a special 20% off discount code (limited quantity) for our Queens Tech Members: "queenstechfriends". Get your tickets here:

2013 Queens Tech Volunteer Meeting: Sunday, 3/24, 1pm
Want to help foster the Queens Tech Community? We’re hosting a Queens Tech Volunteer Meeting on Sunday, 3/24 at 1pm at our offices in Long Island City. Come drop by and learn about our various non-profit Queens Tech initiatives, which include Queens Tech Meetup, a Hackathon with MoMA PS1, an iOS tech education program, and our work in political advocacy & creating tech policy. To attend our meeting, please RSVP here:

We hope to see you soon,

The C4Q team



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