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From: Michael A.
Sent on: Wednesday, October 14, 2009, 10:33 PM



This powerful class will be held at a Central Austin location Friday night through Sunday, November 13-15.


Receive everything you need to be a Reiki Master:


��        History and concepts of Reiki

��        How to do treatments on yourself and others, in-person and


��        What the Reiki symbols are, and how to use them.

��        Attunement to First Degree, Second Degree, and Master levels.

��        A powerful Journey into Mastery meditation.

��        How to attune others.

��        A Reiki master certificate and a chart that traces your lineage from Mikao Usui, the founder of Reiki.

��        An opportunity to assist in future classes to receive Reiki Master Teacher certification.

��        Tips on setting up a practice or incorporating Reiki into a current practice


You���ll also receive:

A comprehensive illustrated class handbook, and an introductory manual.

A $50 coupon to give to someone else who���d like to take the class.

A $100 gift certificate for an ad in Austin All Natural that you can use for yourself, or give to your favorite practitioner or business as a gift.


CLASS TIMES: Friday, 7-9:30 PM. Saturday/Sunday, 10AM-4PM.



Prepaid by Oct. 15: $450         Prepaid by Oct. 30: $495

After Oct. 30:  $595  (Deposit and payment option available)



Michael Abedin   (512)[masked]

[address removed]


Austin All Natural publisher and editor Michael Abedin is an eighth-generation independent Reiki Master Teacher of the Usui lineage who studied under Laurie Grant, founder of the ARCH healing system.  He���s taught martial arts and healing in Austin since 1973.  His classes are informative, down-to-earth, and entertaining.

Michael Abedin, Owner/Editor
Austin All Natural
(512)[masked] Office
(512)[masked] Cell
email: [address removed]

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