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Tomorrows Tonya Zavasta Event

From: Hyacinth M.
Sent on: Saturday, July 25, 2009, 9:27 AM
Hi Everyone,

Just a friendly reminder that today is the last day for advance payment for tomorrows Tonya Zavasta event. You can easily reserve your space by clicking on the link below or call me ([masked] ) and I will process it for you. Paying in advance saves you $5.00 and you are guaranteed a seat.

I am really looking forward to our first meetup and meeting you all. Tonya is the best ever and you are going to love all of the beauty and raw food secrets she will share with you.

Purchase your ticket by clicking HERE

See you tomorrow night!

Hyacinth x

Ps: You may get another automatic reminder from Meet-up so sorry about the multiple emails just wanted to send you a more personalized one.

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