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New Meetup: The Sydney Real Estate Buying & Investing Meetup

From: Shaun E.
Sent on: Wednesday, June 2, 2010, 10:19 AM
Announcing a new Meetup for The Sydney Real Estate Buying & Investing Meetup Group!

What: The Sydney Real Estate Buying & Investing Meetup

When: Tuesday, August 3,[masked]:00 PM

Aurora Hotel - Level 1
324 Elizabeth St Surry Hills

**Please arrive at 6.45pm so you can grab a drink and be ready to start the Meeting at 7pm**

The next meeting of the Sydney Real Estate Buying and Investing Meetup, will be a chance to meet like minded individuals and share experiences, learnings and tips with one another.

The mission of the Meetup is to provide a mutually supportive and positive learning environment in which every member has the opportunity to develop real estate knowledge and investing skills, which in turn foster wealth creation and personal growth.

Each participant will have the chance to introduce themselves to the group and share their intentions and goals. The Meetup is a relaxed casual event in a pleasant comfortable surrounding.

If you pick up just one tip from someone else, or avoid one mistake after hearing about what others have been through, then your attendance will have been of value.

At the next meeting we will continue our discussion about changing demographics and research tips etc. The goal is to develop a plan for the group to pool our research effort.

The meeting location is only 100m from Central Station so should be easily accessible for all. It is on the corner of Elizabeth and Kippax Streets.

When you arrive, take the stairs or elevator to the first floor and look for the sign that says "Real Estate Meetup" attached to a table near the elevator.

You are welcome to bring along guests who are also interested in property investing.

Those who attended one of our meetups already look forward to meeting others who were unable to attend on that occasion and we are looking forward to continuing the interesting discussions and hearing what you have achieved over the previous month.

See you on the 3rd August.

Shaun Ellis

PS - This Meetup occurs every second month. Be sure to book into your calendar the first Tuesday of every second month as our recurring Meetup time.

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