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Mr & Mrs. Smith aka Sara & Christopher Lawrence @ EXCHANGE

From: -Pete-
Sent on: Monday, February 27, 2012, 4:53 PM
162049_[masked]_[masked]_n.jpg (180×232)
Attention true electro heads!, Hollywood Society, Capacity Production & Mixology are bringing you an event unlike anything you are used to in the Hollywood scene headlining the world renown Christopher Lawrence and his wife Sara aka Mr. & Mrs. Smith with a new high energy set that will crush the lines between EDM genres. EPIC seems to be the best description.

Be a part of this massive new style of event with surprises around every corner that will make this night truly unforgettable.

Not in Hollywood to experience this event, tune into for a live broadcast!

This event will also be part of a new hit Hollywood based reality show. Be part of the experience and maybe make a cameo appearance!

Truly an experience you can't afford to miss.

Mr. & Mrs. Smith (Sara & Christopher Lawrence)
Mark Lewis
DJ Angeline
Mind Funk 


Please contact [address removed] or[masked] (txt) for discounted rates. RSVP lists are filling up fast!