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Events for this upcoming weekend.

From: Heidi
Sent on: Monday, June 18, 2012, 10:32 PM

Good evening.

this weekend we have several events coming up to celebrate Carnival.

1.  Friday is a cooler fete in Upper Marlboro, MD.  Private Ryan is the DJ and everyone knows he is a fabulous soca/reggae dj.  its an Outdoor event.. you can bring drinks in ya cooler and vibe.. good times to be had.  Click the link for info.  Let me know if anyone wants to go .. i dont wanna go alone.

2.  Carnival at Crossroads - 3pm.  I believe advance tickets are $15.  Check the crossroads website for additional information or the event posting.  We have a meetup location which will be confirmed and updated so we can all be together.  Lindsay will keep us posted regarding this event.


3.  Beres Hammond in Concert at Crossroads.  Tickets in advance are $30.  I am getting my ticket this Thursday.  I hope you will get your tickets and we close out Carnival with a bang!  You can get ur tickets at several locations located on the flyer or on crossroads website.  They have Happy Hour this Thursday until 8pm if anyone wants to meet up.


Blessings and look forward to seeing you all!




If you have any questions, please hit me up


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