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From: chris
Sent on: Monday, August 20, 2012, 2:01 PM

Learn how to read information specific to your life (or for someone else who requests it).
No abilities are necessary for this class.
Everyone will be able to practice this method.



Class time: 530pm-8:30pm

4 sundays beginning September 2nd
Class Fee: $120.00
Pre- registration required via paypal or check
paypal to : [address removed] (select "personal" not "business" or an extra processing fee will be incurred, and please leave notes section blank).

Location given after registration

chriss diaz

The Akashic Records are a dimension of consciousness that contains a vibrational record of every soul and its journey. This vibrational body of consciousness exists everywhere in its entirety and is completely available at all times and in all places. As such, the Records are an experiential body of knowledge that contains everything that every soul has ever thought, said, and done over the course of its existence, as well as all its future possibilities.

In the records, we ask questions that we want guidance on or things we need help with. In this class you will learn to read the records and practice accessing them.

Chriss is a culture healer, teacher, life transformation counselor and coach, energyhealer, reiki teacher, shamanic practitioner, massage therapist and nutrition consultant.. I also lead 3 Reiki meetup communities.

Below find Comments from attendees, clients, and students; description of my practice;
bio and experience history.

group owner: chriss diaz

professional website:

[address removed]

Facebook: Reikiteacher Redwood


A few comments from students of recent classes:

“ I had a great time and had one of the most uplifting experiences of my life! ”

"Wow! Thank you for this teaching! Thanks for the hands on practice and practical knowing useful for tranquility in my life".

"Very deep experience! Great knowledge! Amazing power of hands-on work.

"I had a wonderful time! Your philosophy and teaching are cool"!

"Chris is a very effective teacher. It was amazing how quickly I reached a space of true resonance."

"Chriss's method of teaching Reiki made me understand that Reiki is a gift and a sacred way to live life. I feel empowered to share this gift of healing with others. Taking this class redefined my sense of purpose."

Comments from attendees of past events:

“ The meditation on our desires and the reiki was really powerful and I am already seeing my life change for the better. ”

“ It was great sharing Reiki and connecting with the group! Enjoyed very much learning about the chakras, touch, being more aware of boundaries, and about how to honor ourselves, our truth. Thank you. ”

“ A great group of people. ”

"I Felt a sense of oneness and became very present."
"I discovered my abilities. I felt a reconnection."
"I felt a love and generosity and a desire to help others. My spirit felt light and expanding."
"I found my Breath and my roots."
"I found comfort and a deep inner joy. "
"I discovered a sense of freedom and a relaxed mindset."
"I felt more relaxed on a deep core level. "
"The sense of community I found is very strong."

"I'll take with me compassion being given to me and tools to help myself and others. I absolutely recommend this."

"I learned to trust my intuition more. I experienced the compassion and love of others and I got to experience it. I feel like I am on the right path."

"I found a stronger trust in myself. I found that I contribute to the world, that I am very much loved."

Below you can read a bio, a description of my private practice and comments form students and clients.

Chriss Diaz has been Reiki Master Teacher and Energy Healer, Counselor and Life coach, Workshop Leader, and Teacher for intuitives, empaths and sensitives for the last 15 years. He is also proprietor of "Bodywork For the Soul", professional massage blended with energy healing.

For over 15 years I have been helping others heal, grow, connect to themselves and evolve their consciousness and or spirituality. I use any number of a multitude of modalities including therapeutic counseling, energywork such as Reiki and shamanic work. I have an uncanny intuition and an acutely high perception that allows me to see behavior and energy patterns (patterns sourced from family of origin, culture, or inherent to the person's soul) and to know what to bring into the work that will assist my clients to improve, transition, and transform.
I help my clients see their patterns, develop their own abilities and teach tools helpful specifically to their dynamic. I include trans-personal psychology, energy healing, shamanic work, spirituality, mysticism and leading edge information in nutrition and fitness in my work.
Comments from clients:

"In my time working with Chriss, I have been continually amazed at his remarkable ability to sense energy and respond to my specific needs as a healer. His awareness works on many levels . He has a huge heart. He is able to penetrate the sufferings and roles imposed by culture and conditioning. Chriss's work is powerful on a personal level and has had an enormous impact on me. I am eternally grateful to have found him at this time in my life."

"When I met Chriss, I was in a dead end job, in a deep depression and very blocked. I felt my life would not ever be able to change. Now, I feel very powerful. I have not been depressed for over a year. Chriss helped me develop abilities unique to me and very rare. Now I have found that I am able to help others. My life is happy and fulfilling. I am very thankful for our work together."

“Working with Chriss is like having an exceptionally skilled and capable mirror in my life advocating for me. I felt held in compassion and safe within to share myself because of the safe space he held for me to be heard. Experiencing his energy medicine was like the sensation of being enveloped back inside the womb and I felt I could see, feel and experience being in an experience of Divine Love. He is the most powerful mirror I have had of what true unconditional love really is and through him, I learned to really love and respect myself and hold compassion for who I am, instead of living in shame, regret and judgment of myself. I am able to really understand and know myself and frame my “story” in a light of the beautiful being that I AM because Chriss helped me to realize and live my truth. Chriss is a true healer, compassionate heart, and friend on my journey through life.”

"Chriss's presence as my healer has helped me to regenerate renewal and energy into my life. In the physical realm, I have experienced a dramatic decrease in inflammation, pain and sluggish metabolism/ energy through Chriss's Reiki healing. Spiritually, his counseling has opened up a true "awakening"in me and and this awakening has given birth to a lifelong commitment to a right and true relationship with the universe. The space that Chriss creates for his clients is a safe haven in which to open up in. Because of this, I have been able to work through past hurts, patterns of behavior, and reignite a deep compassion for myself and others. Through deep listening and fruitful counseling methods, he has helped me to be an active participant in my healing process. Being in the presence of such a spirit as Chriss has helped me to begin the process of freeing my mind from years of self-judgement, guilt and shame. The benefits of this practice have revealed so many new possibilities in my life. His gentle soul serves as a "mirror" to mine and this mirroring has helped to facilitate deep self realization, opening of awareness, and connection to my source. In my experience, his healing abilities have gone beyond what we normally look to as "therapeutic energy healing" and transcended into a very effective transformative healing of my mind, body and spirit."

"You changed my life! I will be forever grateful!"

"You're the reason I'm alive today. What more can I say?"

Comments from clients:
"In 20 years in this business, I've never seen anything like it!"
"I'm in total bliss. I had this tension on my chest and now it's released!"
"Best massage I ever had!"
"I felt like I returned home. It was indescribable"!
"My fear is no longer over-powering. I'm more confident."
"I'm filled with gratitude and bliss."
"I feel more centered and grounded, more peaceful."
"This is really powerful. I've received a lot of Reiki healing, but this was, wow!"
"Wow! That was incredible! I didn't believe in energy work until now."
"I felt the heat before you touched me. I saw these colors at different points, green, yellow, light blue and pink. I felt this tension that I had not been aware of for a long time coming out."

"I cried, this energy, anger, pain, deep sadness from my life was coming out. There was this bright white light around my heart. Later I felt peace and forgiveness."

Agreements and sentiments in our community:
-be true to your soul
-feel your feelings
-be in your body
-treat others with honor and respect
-harm none
-work on your issues
-notice judgments and attachments
-gratitude is the way toward happiness
-love is the direction of all healing
-act in right relationship with
all things
-think good thoughts





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