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Learn Java, JUnit, TestNG, and Selenium WebDriver, In class training, Job Assistance

From: fuad
Sent on: Monday, May 13, 2013, 3:53 PM
Dear Fellow Group Members,
We still have couple of spots available in this class that starts Saturday June 15th. Here is information about the course, Those who are interested please contact me directly @ [address removed]

Start Earning Top Engineering Salaries.

We train QA engineers from Zero to Job.

Our Classes

SIX WEEKS Learning
How to Be a Tester




During this course, 
you’ll learn 
WebDriver, Selenium IDE, Frameworks, Linux, SQL, TDD 
more! We provide 123 hours of classroom instruction and hands-on project training.
Courses start on June 15th and approximately every 7 weeks thereafter.


Learn to automate web testing and white box testing. We’ve created 
project-based course to
teach you to become a competent tester as quickly as possible.
As a member of our community you
will receive lots of support and guidance. We all work together in an intense, but fun, learning environment. You’ll be motivated and stay on track to learn exactly what you need to know to become a valued member of a software testing team.

Most testers need help to break into the tech industry. We do more than just train you for a good job. We help you get one! We will assist you with creating your portfolio. Then we’ll provide you with practice interviews,present you
to companies during our hiring day
and assist with the job application process.

Training Modules

Weekly Schedule


CLASS 1 (6 Hours of Lecture)CLASS 6 (8 Hours of Lecture)
Introduction to JavaLibrary file) with keyword ‘extends’ in test class files)
Introduction to Object orientedKeyword Driven Framework (Learn and Build)
Install JavaPractical Test (3 Hours)
Java Features
Install EclipseCLASS 7 (8 Hours of Lecture)
Eclipse OverviewJUnit vs. TestNg on Selenium
Creating first Eclipse projectClose, quit
Creating first Java programMultibrowser
What is a class fileHTMLUnitDriver
Data TypesFirebug, Firepath
IF StatementsXPATH
Conditional and concatenation operatorsWeb Elements
LOOPSRadio buttons
Practical Test (3 Hours)Create your own xpath
Practical Test (3 Hours)
CLASS 2 (6 Hours of Lecture)
ArraysCLASS 8 (5 Hours of Lecture)
FunctionsDynamic Objects (including starts-with / contains usage)
VariablesCapturing screenshots
Objects, Object References, Call by reference and ValuePopups
ConstructorsPause, Wait
HTML OverviewHandling JavaScript alert messages with Selenium
XML overviewSimulating Keyboards (Enter, ESC, keystrokes, etc.)
JavaScript OverviewWeb table – How to work with it and how to extract data
Practical Test (3 Hours)Mouse Movements
Working with AJAX
CLASS 3 (6 Hours of Lecture)Timeout
Encapsulation and PolymorphismCookies
InterfaceBack and Front Buttons
PackagesListeners – Using WebDriverEventListener
Accessing modifiers – Public, Private, Default, ProtectedRight Click
Exception handlingFind Coordinates
Error handlingAction Class
Throwable ClassWorking with drop-down lists
Final and FinallyCSS
Throw and ThrowsJavaScript executor
Collection APIPractical Test (3 Hours)
Log4JCLASS 9 (8 Hours of Lecture)
Practical Test (3 Hours)Build Scripts Based on Keyword Driven Framework
Practical Test (3 Hours)
CLASS 4 (8 Hours of Lecture)
Install and Configure JUnit on EclipseCLASS 10 (8 Hours of Lecture)
Creating a TestXLS (X) Reader (using Apache POI)
Assertion / VerificationBuild Data Driven Framework
Error HandlingBuild scripts based on data driven framework
Running a TestPractical Test (3 Hours)
Skipping a Test
Parametizing a TestCLASS 11 (8 Hours of Lecture)
Difference between JUnit and TestNGHybrid TestNg
Install and Configure TestNG on EclipsePractical Test (3 Hours)
Build a Framework based on TestNG or JUnit
Practical Test (3 Hours)CLASS 12 (8 Hours of Lecture)
CLASS 5 (8 Hours of Lecture)SQL
Introduction to SeleniumLinux
What is Selenium IDEAgile/Scrum
What is Selenium RCEmail Test results
What is Selenium WebDriverFile archiving (.zip)
Install WebDriver in EclipseANT deployment (also xslt reports): running tests outside of IDE environment
Why Java with SeleniumNetworking Protocols
WebDriver InterfacesPractical Test (3 Hours)
Exception and Error Handling
Reflection API
Properties files (configuration & object recognition)
Log 4J
Practical Test (3 Hours)

Meet Our Instructors

Fuad Mak is a Test Architect and QA Manager at SQA Solution. He has over 16 years of experience in Quality Assurance, and 9 years of experience in QA Management. Fuad is a successful Quality Assurance leader with a diverse background in multiple industries.
Fuad Mak has a thorough understanding of QA methodologies, automated testing, and the iterative software development processes. His background includes responsibility for eCommerce sites, Life science and Pharma validation, Client Relationship Management (CRM) strategy and systems, SAP, Mobile, and Retail solutions. His expertise covers a myriad of testing tools and processes in the software testing industry. Here are just a few: Test Director, QA Partner/Silk Test, Silk Performer, MS Test, Visual Test, Win Runner, Bounce Checker, Star Team, Track Record, BugZilla, Web Defect Manager, PVCS, Web Load, PVCS Tracker, Net Mechanic, Compuware, Scrum, Selenium, and many more.


Phillip Coulson is a Software Professional with 14 years of core expertise in Automation, Manual, Database, and Web-Service Testing.
Phillip has experience Planning, Designing, Building, and maintaining complex Test Automation Frameworks (Data-Driven, Keyword, and Hybrid). He is an Expert in Selenium, WebDriver, and SilkTest Automation. He is also proficient with Java, has a deep knowledge of JUnit and TestNG unit testing Frameworks, and has real-world experience with many other testing tools and technologies.

Our Philosophy

Anyone who is motivated can learn!

Yes, you can learn Java and Selenium WebDriver, and Become a Qualified Tester in 6 Weeks! We have structured this course to be streamlined and project oriented. In addition, we provide lots of guidance in a supportive environment. This helps keep you motivated, and helps you learn exactly what you need to know to get a good job, and to excel at it.

Hands-on training is the best way to learn.

At SQA Solution, we teach you how to think outside the box so that you can quickly discover bugs. We also provide you with problem solving techniques so that your input can assist in providing resolutions. After taking this course, you will enter the workplace eager to discover new challenges, knowing that you’ll have the tools to effectively handle them.


Our Objective: You’ll want to come to class eager to learn and prepared to work. At the end of six weeks, you’ll walk out of class as a new person. You are now qualified for your first QA or Tester position, and you’ll have a Certificate and Portfolio to prove it!
Our Curriculum: The processes and expectations for Test Automation and White Box Testing have undergone significant transformation. Our course is based on the new standards for web testing: robust, scalable, and trackable. You’ll build test scripts using Java, Flash, UI, DataDriven, and more. You’ll learn the same testing practices and tools that you’ll use on the job, like Ant and Maven. Following are some of the tools we’ll teach you to use:
Detailed Schedule: SQA Solution classes run from 6 p.m. to 10 p.m., 3 evenings a week, and 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Saturdays. Classes vary between structured intros to exercises or projects and full day Testathons. During a Testathon, you may finish the previous day’s projects, or test and code a new project or exercise. Following is how a structured day will look:
  • 9 a.m.: Breakfast. We’ll discuss technology and testing over breakfast in the classroom. (Saturday only)
  • (Saturday 9:30 a.m. or Weekday at 6 p.m.): Coding with our Instructors. We’ll introduce your next project or exercise. We’ll explain the concepts of how to perform the work, and then we’ll discuss how to work out the stuff you don’t already know. We want you to participate by asking questions—that’s how you’ll learn best.
  • (Saturday at 10 a.m. or Weekday at 6:30 p.m.): Hack and Test. You’ll be working either in pairs or small teams on real-life projects. If you have questions, just ask an instructor and they’ll be happy to help get you resolve them by offering different approaches for resolution.
  • (Saturday only 12 p.m.: Lunch). There are many great places for lunch within walking distance.
  • (Saturday 1 p.m. or Weekday at 7:30 p.m.): Learn, Code, Test. Again, we’ll introduce you to new concepts by starting a brand new exercise or project together, and then allowing you to continue working on it within your team.
  • 6:30 p.m.: Events. We hold different types of events. You can ask our guest instructors about their job experiences, go to meetups, practice interviewing, or just work on projects. The program ends at 8 p.m. However, you may want to continuing working much later.
Weekly Overview:
  • Weeks 1 – 2 include teaching the basics of Test Automation and programming.
  • Weeks 4 – 6 focus on project-oriented learning, both in groups and individually. This covers working on new projects from scratch and working on existing codebases. During this time, you’ll be creating your portfolio.
  • Towards the completion of the course, there will be a “hiring day” where we’ll present you to several potential employers. You’ll have time to speak with them individually and show them your portfolio. Don’t worry—this will be an enjoyable time. Because, during the course, we’ll be guiding you through practice interviews so that you’ll feel prepared and confident about what you’ve learned and what you can offer a new employer.
Tuition: Our aspiration is to teach motivated students how to be great Testers. However, we understand that motivated students have various types of financial backgrounds. So, although we charge a reasonable tuition, a certain amount of financial aid will also be available. If you’re seriously interested in our course, then please go ahead and apply. We can discuss details during the process of admission.
Housing: If you don’t already live in the San Francisco area, we may be able to help you with arranging housing. We know of some student housing, and we’ve contacted a nearby hostel who has agreed to house our students at a reduced rate. (You will be responsible for the costs of your own housing.)
SQA Solution
Fuad Mak, CTO
m. 415 [masked]
[address removed]

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