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Fwd: [9-12-melbourne] Fwd: New Zeal Blog

From: Bob W.
Sent on: Saturday, August 17, 2013, 6:04 PM
Don't miss this!!!

Sent from my iPhone

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Date: August 17, 2013, 4:25:34 PM EDT
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Subject: [9-12-melbourne] Fwd: New Zeal Blog
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Don't miss Trevor Loudon in person on September 11 in Melbourne. See for details!

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From: New Zeal Blog <[address removed]>
Date: Sat, Aug 17, 2013 at 12:06 PM
Subject: New Zeal Blog

New Zeal Blog

“Analyst Says Anti-NSA Campaign Benefits America’s Enemies”

Posted: 16 Aug[masked]:59 PM PDT

By Cliff Kincaid

From Accuracy in Media

timthumb (2)

Trevor Loudon, the author of a new book on socialist penetration of the Democratic party and the U.S. Congress, says, “Perhaps the most damaging aspect of this entire NSA scandal is the way the U.S. and international left have used the leaks to turn the American right into a battering ram against U.S. military intelligence capabilities. Historically it has always been the far-left that has sought to castrate U.S. government intelligence capabilities—always using ‘civil liberties’ as a lever.”

Loudon is the New Zealand blogger who broke the story of Frank Marshall Davis, the Communist Party member and suspected Soviet espionage agent, who was a mentor for a young Barack Obama during his growing-up years in Hawaii.

His new book, The Enemies Within: Communists, Socialists and Progressives in the U.S. Congress, is the much-anticipated follow-up to his first volume, Barack Obama and the Enemies Within.

As someone whose KeyWiki site serves as an authoritative encyclopedia on the left, Loudon has a lot to say about the continuing controversy over NSA leaker Edward Snowden. He gave this columnist his comments on how the story has developed and who is behind it.

“When Edward Snowden first made his revelations,” Loudon notes, “it wasn’t the left who first rushed to his support—it was the right, including Glenn Beck and Michael Savage. It was completely understandable. In the wake of Obama’s IRS and Associated Press scandals, Snowden’s revelations were seized on by many on the right as one more example of President Obama’s tyrannical bent. Hundreds of bloggers, commentators and grass-roots activists sprang immediately to Snowden’s defense, even after it became clear that Snowden was hopping from one enemy-controlled territory to another.”

But Loudon points out that some conservative media personalities, such as Lee Stranahan at Breitbart’s Big Journalism site, analyzed the evidence as it came in, noting that the real motive of those behind Snowden was to “attack the military via the NSA and criticize America’s attempts to defend itself from terrorism…”

Loudon’s new book is being released as the blogger from New Zealand travels throughout the United States on a speaking tour. One of the many members of Congress he analyzes in his excellent book is far-left Democratic Rep. John Conyers (MI), who teamed up with Republican Tea Party Congressman Justin Amash (MI) to sponsor a bill to gut the NSA’s terrorist surveillance powers. The bill almost passed the House.

Loudon says that Rep. Amash, chairman of the House Liberty Caucus, is a patriot whose conservative credentials are beyond question. However, “he should ask himself why an out and out socialist like Conyers would want to limit the powers of the NSA,” Loudon says. “Conyers has a more than 40-year history of collaborating with the Communist Party, and almost as long with the Democratic Socialists of America.”

This association raises “red flags,” he says. Loudon points to how the Communist Party (CPUSA), which was funded by Moscow and engaged in espionage against the U.S. Government, created a front group, the National Committee to Abolish the House Un-American Activities Committee. The House Committee was a target because it had held numerous hearings exposing the activities of the CPUSA and its front groups.

Loudon’s research shows that Frank Wilkinson, who was jailed in 1961 for defying the House Committee on Un-American Activities, was “a vocal foe of the FBI’s supposedly tyrannical and out-of-control Director J. Edgar Hoover.” Wilkinson was in fact a 40-year veteran of the Communist Party USA, an affiliation common to most of his organization’s leading supporters. And it turned out that Wilkinson’s FBI dossier was more than 130,000 pages long.  

Loudon comments: “J. Edgar Hoover’s memory has been invoked several times in the current scandal as an example of someone who used government-gathered intelligence to harass and blackmail his personal enemies. As an effective opponent of communist subversion, J. Edgar Hoover suffered a decades’ long campaign of slander and denigration from the left. The fact that Hoover had 130,000 pages of information on a pro-Soviet communist activist, who led a long and successful campaign against one of the country’s most important anti-subversive organizations, proves that information gathering does not necessarily lead to inappropriate use of that information.”

Another figure involved in the anti-FBI campaign was Frank Donner, the former director of the ACLU’s Project on Political Surveillance. Donner’s FBI file, turned over to this columnist, is over 1,500 pages long.

As we have pointed out, Donner worked with the Center for National Security Studies (CNSS), which is now active against the NSA, to undermine the intelligence-gathering capabilities of the U.S. Government. Donner, like Wilkinson, had a lot to hide, since he was a member of the CPUSA who traveled to Russia and had contacts with Russian espionage agents. He wrote several books attacking U.S. intelligence agencies, including the NSA. He especially hated the House Committee on Un-American Activities, which grilled him on his CPUSA activities. He took the Fifth. But Donner had the last laugh, as the committee and its successor, the House Committee on Internal Security, were abolished in the 1970s.

The same forces are now working against the NSA.

It is noteworthy that in 2012, the Soros-funded Open Society Institute (OSI) held one of its panel discussions, “National Security Secrecy and Surveillance: Defending the Public’s Right to Know,” to organize opposition to the NSA. The name of one panelist, Tim Shorrock, rang some bells for me. I had covered his work with CounterSpy, an anti-CIA publication, back in 1983. CounterSpy had exposed Richard Welch as a CIA agent before his murder by terrorists in Greece. Shorrock told me, “Every once in a while, you’re going to release a name of somebody who may be the target for somebody. That’s something that happens when you do investigations.”

At the time, Shorrock told me that he favored the abolition of the CIA, adding, “I don’t think the KGB is a threat.” He also said, “I support a lot of what the Cuban government does.”  

In 2009, when we focused critical attention on Glenn Greenwald getting an award named in honor of leftist journalist and identified Soviet agent I.F. Stone, Shorrock came to Greenwald’s defense, recalled my interview of him, and denounced me as “a longtime McCarthyite and deranged right-winger, who has been seeing reds under every bed since he was probably an infant.”

Greenwald, now with the British Guardian, would emerge this year as Edward Snowden’s handler.

Turning his attention to this case, Trevor Loudon notes that reports indicate that in March 2013, when he sought a job with NSA contractor Booz Allen Hamilton at an NSA facility in Hawaii, Snowden presumably signed the required classified-information agreements and would have been well aware of the law and potential penalties for breaching laws regarding the information he would have access to. Nevertheless, Snowden broke these agreements and has been charged with espionage. He has been granted political asylum in Russia.

Before taking the job in Hawaii, Loudon notes, Snowden had already been in contact with Greenwald and filmmaker Laura Poitras, who serve together on the Board of the Freedom of the Press Foundation, a funder of WikiLeaks.

This is a critical point, reflecting the fact that Snowden could not have engaged in espionage without the help of others, including left-wing networks based in the U.S.  Accuracy in Media has reported that the Freedom of the Press Foundation “is made possible by the fiscal sponsorship of the Foundation for National Progress,” the publisher of Mother Jones magazine, which is backed by several prominent liberal foundations, including the Open Society Institute of billionaire George Soros.

Loudon noted statements Greenwald delivered at an international communist conference, including that “the only thing that can truly strengthen America’s national security is a weakening of America.” Loudon responded that “He openly wants to see America weakened militarily. What better way to weaken America militarily, to the advantage of Islamic terrorism, than to weaken or destroy the NSA?”

Loudon, who broke the story of former White House official Van Jones’ Marxist background, says many left-wing groups backing Edward Snowden have one thing in common—they hate and distrust America. “Many of them have ties to Marxist or anti-American groups,” he says. “Some are linked to international communist fronts. Several are tied to hostile foreign regimes. Their agenda in most cases is to weaken America’s defenses. Attacking and weakening the NSA would be cheered on by America’s enemies all over the globe.”

“The United States has always had its enemies in Congress and the media,” says Loudon. “What is of most concern is that millions of American patriots, motivated by genuine constitutional concerns, have been turned into attack dogs against one of their few remaining effective means of national defense. America’s enemies must be laughing uproariously over this. Political influence on NSA, if any, should indeed be questioned. The constitutionality of its methodology should be debated. But Americans need to turn their guns on those who would gut the NSA, not those would defend it.”

The outcome of the Bradley Manning case sheds light on the nature of WikiLeaks and its collaborators. Manning, a former Army intelligence analyst, was convicted in July of espionage for stealing and leaking classified information to WikiLeaks, and has now apologized for damaging America’s national security. “I am sorry that my actions hurt people,” he said. “I’m sorry that they hurt the United States.”

Manning had supporters on the left and right, including former Congressman Ron Paul, who called him a “hero.” A left-wing group that includes Jeff Cohen and Norman Solomon has proposed that Manning receive the Nobel Peace Prize.

Cohen, a professor of journalism at Ithaca College, is the head of the institute that gave that award named after Soviet agent of influence I.F. Stone to Glenn Greenwald. Solomon, who unsuccessfully ran for Congress as a Democrat, was endorsed in that run by Greenwald.

Greenwald endorsed Rep. Rush Holt in New Jersey’s special Senate Democratic primary election on August 13th, and even appeared on Holt’s behalf in an online town hall meeting. But Holt came in third, with only 17 percent of the vote, getting trounced by Cory Booker.

Still, as Loudon’s nearly 700-page book demonstrates, the Marxists have a strong presence in the Democratic Party. His detailed account of “Communists, socialists and progressives in the U.S. Congress” is the work of an investigative reporter covering the stories that are just ready and waiting to be exposed by the U.S. media.

The irony is that a blogger from New Zealand has to do the job for us.


Obama Awards Presidential Medal of Freedom to Bayard Rustin, a Socialist

Posted: 16 Aug[masked]:15 PM PDT

The Right Planet


Civil rights leader Bayard Rustin is shown in his Park Avenue South office in New York City, in April 1969. (AP Photo/A. Camerano)

By Brent Allen Parrish

This year marks the 50th Anniversary of President Kennedy’s establishment of the Presidential Medal of Freedom.

The White House released this statement:

Today [August 8, 2013], President Barack Obama named sixteen recipients of the Presidential Medal of Freedom. The Presidential Medal of Freedom is the Nation’s highest civilian honor, presented to individuals who have made especially meritorious contributions to the security or national interests of the United States, to world peace, or to cultural or other significant public or private endeavors. The awards will be presented at the White House later this year.

Recipients of this year’s Presidential Medal of Freedom Award include some well-known public figures, such as Oprah Winfrey, Richard Lugar, Gloria Steinem, Bill Clinton and Loretta Lynn.

Three of the recipients will be awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom posthumously; they include astronaut Sally Ride, Sen. Daniel Inouye and Bayard Rustin.

So who is Bayard Rustin?

Well, a Google Search on “Baryard Rustin” brings up the following:

According to the search results, Bayard Rustin was a “leader in social movements for civil rights, socialism, pacifism and non-violence, and gay rights.”

A number of glowing reviews on the life and work of Bayard Rustin appeared this past week, primarily from left-leaning individuals and progressive media like PBS, Bill Moyers, USA Today, Huffington Post, Democratic Underground, AFL-CIO, etc.

Additionally, a number of socialist and communist websites wax eloquent about the life of Bayard Rustin–for example, and the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA):

Bayard Rustin the socialist who organized the 1963 March on Washington

— DSA (@DemSocialists) May 21, 2013

After reading a number of articles about Bayard Rustin, it became apparent, at least to me, why Barack Obama would be so enamored with Rustin that he felt him worthy of this country’s highest civilian award.

Peter Dreier, who teaches politics and chairs the Urban & Environmental Policy Department at Occidental College, wrote in an article appearing at the Huffington Post (emphasis mine):

After Congress passed the Voting Rights Act in 1965, Rustin wrote a controversial article, “From Protest to Politics,” in the then-liberal magazine Commentary. In that piece he argued that the coalition that had come together for the March on Washington needed to place less emphasis on protest and focus on electing liberal Democrats who could enact a progressive policy agenda centered on employment, housing, and civil rights. Rustin drafted a “Freedom Budget,” released in 1967, that advocated “redistribution of wealth.” His ideas influenced King, who increasingly began to talk about the importance of jobs, unions, and wealth redistribution.

Sound familiar?

I find it very interesting that many on the left get bent out of shape when they are labeled “socialists” or “communists,” yet heap great praise upon self-avowed socialists and communists. But I would suspect this sort of schizophrenic reaction is due to the fact that many on the left realize it would not be politically expedient to come out as de facto Marxists, despite the fact that many are.

Peter Dreir continues in his article at the Huffington Post (emphasis mine):

He [Bayard Rustin] found two mentors who shaped his philosophy and employed him as an organizer. One was A. Philip Randolph, a socialist who founded of the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters, the first African-American labor union. Randolph was the nation’s most militant civil rights leader. The other mentor, A. J. Muste, was a radical minister and former union organizer. Time magazine called him the “No. 1 U.S. pacifist.” He introduced Rustin to the teachings of Gandhi. Rustin’s commitment to Gandhi’s principles, along with his Quaker beliefs (he officially joined the church in 1935), shaped his activism for the rest of his life.

So just like Barack Obama, who sought out the Marxist professors, Bayard Rustin also sought out Marxists and like-minded individuals.

“To avoid being mistaken for a sellout, I chose my friends carefully: the more politically active black students, the foreign students, the Chicanos, the Marxist Professors and structural feminists and punk-rock performance poets.”

–Barack Obama

Surprisingly, not only do many of the radicals of the left applaud the work of Baryard Rustin, but even some conservatives do as well. I would suspect the reason for this is Rustin’s close relationship with Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and his involvement in the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960′s:

One of the challenges of any political/social movement is the infiltration of what might be called subversive elements who wish to co-opt the movement for their own nefarious purposes. In my opinion, this was one of the predicaments Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was faced with during his struggle against segregation and racial strife.

In regard to racial harmony, no truer words have ever been spoken than those of Dr. King:

“I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.”

–Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Unfortunately, there are those who see political benefit in continuing racial divisions–specifically, socialists and communists.


Well, it has to do with the fact that Marxian socialism believes conflict brings about progress. Without perpetual conflict (typically referred to by Marxists as revolution), there can be no progress. So, in this context, fomenting continuous racial strife is of paramount importance to the dyed-in-the-wool Marxist. There can be no racial harmony, for it would spell the demise of the revolution; it must go on and on and on. If one does not accept this premise, then they will have to provide an explanation why Josef Stalin took such an active interest in the Civil Rights Movement in the United States. But before we explore that piece of history, let’s just examine a bit of Baryard Rustin’s history.

It is well-known that FBI director J. Edgar Hoover was keeping close tabs on Martin Luther King, Jr. and his associations; this monitoring extended to Bayard Rustin as well.

Most of the biographies about Bayard Rustin are of a laudatory tone. So I decided to head on over to the website and see if there was any unclassifed documents or archival information on Bayard Rustin. Interestingly, I did find a number of documents concerning Rustin, but I was first confronted with the following disclaimer:

(click to zoom)

It appears, at least to me, the FBI is asking the reader to take any of the archival information with a grain of salt. I’m not sure if this disclaimer is a standard warning, or if it only applies to certain individuals.

There were a number of FBI memorandums and documents concerning Bayard Rustin. One memo, prepared per instructions by then Assistant FBI Director N.P. Callahan, reveals a fascinating chronology of Rustin’s activities:

Bayard Rustin Part 02 of 07

In 1936, Bayard Rustin joined the Young Communist League (YCL). Following directions from the Soviet Union, the Communist Party USA (CPUSA) and its members were active in the Civil Rights Movement for black Americans.

In 1941, after Germany invaded the Soviet Union, Josef Stalin ordered the CPUSA to abandon civil rights work and focus supporting U.S. entry into World War II. This did not sit well with Rustin, considering he was a pacifist, and he left the YCL. His exit from the YCL was not due to ideological differences, but rather his desire to focus his efforts on the Civil Rights Movement, not on the war against Nazi Germany. Disillusioned, Rustin began working with members of the Socialist Party.

In December 1972, when the Socialist Party changed its name to the Social Democrats USA (SDUSA), Rustin continued to serve as national co-chairman. In later years, Rustin served as the national chairman of Social Democrats USA.

An article that appeared in the November 19, 1990, edition of the New American entitled “Mocking the Cause of Peace” reveals the close relationship Bayard Rustin enjoyed with Martin Luther King, Jr.:

“Following the death in 1896 of internationalist Alfred Nobel, prizes for literature and peace have regularly been awarded to socialists and communists. For every deserving Mother Teresa or Albert Schweitzer, numerous arch-leftists have been given the cash prize and international notoriety.

“In 1931, the Peace award went to socialist Jane Addams, despite her 20 years as chairman of the communist-front Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom. Emily Green Balch, the 1946 co-winner, was dismissed from the Wellesley College faculty for radical leftist activity. The 1950 winner was Alger Hiss protégé Ralph Bunche. Marxists Leon Jouhaux of France (1951), Lester Pearson of Canada (1957), and Philip Noel-Baker of England (1959) were also winners. When Martin Luther King went to Oslo to collect his award in 1964, he took former Communist Party organizer Bayard Rustin along for companionship….”

The above flyer was discovered linked to the National Action Network from the Communist Party USA (CPUSA) website–which begs the question, why?

It’s worth noting Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was a Republican; and his assassin was a Democrat. So often times the Civil Rights Movement is held up as a triumph for the Democratic Party and the progressive cause–which completely ignores the fact that staunch Democrats like Strom Thurmond and Robert Byrd were openly hostile to desegregation.

Perhaps a quick lesson on the true history of the Civil Rights Movement in the United States is in order.

Recently, I had a rather civil debate (rare, I know) with a Democratic congressional hopeful on Twitter. Right out of the gate he accused the Tea Party Movement of being racist and uneducated. Naturally, I took great exception to his accusation and asked him to provide solid examples. The only example he could provide was that of his own family. That’s right, he claimed his own family, excluding his immediate family, was racist and uneducated, and that they were all Tea Party folks.

This didn’t fly with me. First, it’s anecdotal evidence that I can neither prove or disprove. Second, I don’t have much respect for throwing one’s own family under the proverbial bus in an effort to try and score political points.

Conversely, it didn’t take me any time to provide concrete examples of the blatant racism that has always existed within the Democrat Party–specifically, the words of Lyndon B. Johnson:

“I’ll have those niggers voting Democratic for the next 200 years.” —Lyndon B. Johnson to two governors on Air Force One

“These Negroes, they’re getting pretty uppity these days and that’s a problem for us since they’ve got something now they never had before, the political pull to back up their uppityness. Now we’ve got to do something about this, we’ve got to give them a little something, just enough to quiet them down, not enough to make a difference.”—LBJ

It’s amazing how those on the left will falsely accuse folks like me of bigotry, yet when I provide solid examples of their own side’s unabashed racism they’re able to rationalize and justify all of their inconsistencies. Of course, that’s after they fail to pin the racist label on me–and only then. Besides, LBJ got things done, right? Unbelievable.

My purpose in writing this article is not to trash Bayard Rustin. I’m simply letting the historical facts speak for themselves. But I do believe it is disingenuous, at best, to heap such glowing praise on an individual whose connections with communists and socialists are well-known, then attempt to rationalize those relationships as youthful indiscretions. I don’t see any solid evidence that Rustin ever gave up his devotion to Marxian socialism, quite the contrary.

The real purpose in writing this article is to expose Barack Obama’s own devotion to Marxian socialism. He can try and hide it all he wants. But the proof is in the medal.


Analyst Says Anti-NSA Campaign Benefits America’s Enemies

Posted: 16 Aug[masked]:12 PM PDT

By: Cliff Kincaid
Accuracy in Media


(This is a special report from the AIM Center for Investigative Journalism)

Trevor Loudon, the author of a new book on socialist penetration of the Democratic party and the U.S. Congress, says, “Perhaps the most damaging aspect of this entire NSA scandal is the way the U.S. and international left have used the leaks to turn the American right into a battering ram against U.S. military intelligence capabilities. Historically it has always been the far-left that has sought to castrate U.S. government intelligence capabilities—always using ‘civil liberties’ as a lever.”

Loudon is the New Zealand blogger who broke the story of Frank Marshall Davis, the Communist Party member and suspected Soviet espionage agent, who was a mentor for a young Barack Obama during his growing-up years in Hawaii.

His new book, The Enemies Within: Communists, Socialists and Progressives in the U.S. Congress, is the much-anticipated follow-up to his first volume, Barack Obama and the Enemies Within.

As someone whose KeyWiki site serves as an authoritative encyclopedia on the left, Loudon has a lot to say about the continuing controversy over NSA leaker Edward Snowden. He gave this columnist his comments on how the story has developed and who is behind it.

“When Edward Snowden first made his revelations,” Loudon notes, “it wasn’t the left who first rushed to his support—it was the right, including Glenn Beck and Michael Savage. It was completely understandable. In the wake of Obama’s IRS and Associated Press scandals, Snowden’s revelations were seized on by many on the right as one more example of President Obama’s tyrannical bent. Hundreds of bloggers, commentators and grass-roots activists sprang immediately to Snowden’s defense, even after it became clear that Snowden was hopping from one enemy-controlled territory to another.”

But Loudon points out that some conservative media personalities, such as Lee Stranahan at Breitbart’s Big Journalism site, analyzed the evidence as it came in, noting that the real motive of those behind Snowden was to “attack the military via the NSA and criticize America’s attempts to defend itself from terrorism…”

Loudon’s new book is being released as the blogger from New Zealand travels throughout the United States on a speaking tour. One of the many members of Congress he analyzes in his excellent book is far-left Democratic Rep. John Conyers (MI), who teamed up with Republican Tea Party Congressman Justin Amash (MI) to sponsor a bill to gut the NSA’s terrorist surveillance powers. The bill almost passed the House.

Loudon says that Rep. Amash, chairman of the House Liberty Caucus, is a patriot whose conservative credentials are beyond question. However, “he should ask himself why an out and out socialist like Conyers would want to limit the powers of the NSA,” Loudon says. “Conyers has a more than 40-year history of collaborating with the Communist Party, and almost as long with the Democratic Socialists of America.”

This association raises “red flags,” he says. Loudon points to how the Communist Party (CPUSA), which was funded by Moscow and engaged in espionage against the U.S. Government, created a front group, the National Committee to Abolish the House Un-American Activities Committee. The House Committee was a target because it had held numerous hearings exposing the activities of the CPUSA and its front groups.

Loudon’s research shows that Frank Wilkinson, who was jailed in 1961 for defying the House Committee on Un-American Activities, was “a vocal foe of the FBI’s supposedly tyrannical and out-of-control Director J. Edgar Hoover.” Wilkinson was in fact a 40-year veteran of the Communist Party USA, an affiliation common to most of his organization’s leading supporters. And it turned out that Wilkinson’s FBI dossier was more than 130,000 pages long.

Loudon comments: “J. Edgar Hoover’s memory has been invoked several times in the current scandal as an example of someone who used government-gathered intelligence to harass and blackmail his personal enemies. As an effective opponent of communist subversion, J. Edgar Hoover suffered a decades’ long campaign of slander and denigration from the left. The fact that Hoover had 130,000 pages of information on a pro-Soviet communist activist, who led a long and successful campaign against one of the country’s most important anti-subversive organizations, proves that information gathering does not necessarily lead to inappropriate use of that information.”

Another figure involved in the anti-FBI campaign was Frank Donner, the former director of the ACLU’s Project on Political Surveillance. Donner’s FBI file, turned over to this columnist, is over 1,500 pages long.

As we have pointed out, Donner worked with the Center for National Security Studies (CNSS), which is now active against the NSA, to undermine the intelligence-gathering capabilities of the U.S. Government. Donner, like Wilkinson, had a lot to hide, since he was a member of the CPUSA who traveled to Russia and had contacts with Russian espionage agents. He wrote several books attacking U.S. intelligence agencies, including the NSA. He especially hated the House Committee on Un-American Activities, which grilled him on his CPUSA activities. He took the Fifth. But Donner had the last laugh, as the committee and its successor, the House Committee on Internal Security, were abolished in the 1970s.

The same forces are now working against the NSA.

It is noteworthy that in 2012, the Soros-funded Open Society Institute (OSI) held one of its panel discussions, “National Security Secrecy and Surveillance: Defending the Public’s Right to Know,” to organize opposition to the NSA. The name of one panelist, Tim Shorrock, rang some bells for me. I had covered his work with CounterSpy, an anti-CIA publication, back in 1983. CounterSpy had exposed Richard Welch as a CIA agent before his murder by terrorists in Greece. Shorrock told me, “Every once in a while, you’re going to release a name of somebody who may be the target for somebody. That’s something that happens when you do investigations.”

At the time, Shorrock told me that he favored the abolition of the CIA, adding, “I don’t think the KGB is a threat.” He also said, “I support a lot of what the Cuban government does.”

In 2009, when we focused critical attention on Glenn Greenwald getting an award named in honor of leftist journalist and identified Soviet agent I.F. Stone, Shorrock came to Greenwald’s defense, recalled my interview of him, and denounced me as “a longtime McCarthyite and deranged right-winger, who has been seeing reds under every bed since he was probably an infant.”

Greenwald, now with the British Guardian, would emerge this year as Edward Snowden’s handler.

Turning his attention to this case, Trevor Loudon notes that reports indicate that in March 2013, when he sought a job with NSA contractor Booz Allen Hamilton at an NSA facility in Hawaii, Snowden presumably signed the required classified-information agreements and would have been well aware of the law and potential penalties for breaching laws regarding the information he would have access to. Nevertheless, Snowden broke these agreements and has been charged with espionage. He has been granted political asylum in Russia.

Before taking the job in Hawaii, Loudon notes, Snowden had already been in contact with Greenwald and filmmaker Laura Poitras, who serve together on the Board of the Freedom of the Press Foundation, a funder of WikiLeaks.

This is a critical point, reflecting the fact that Snowden could not have engaged in espionage without the help of others, including left-wing networks based in the U.S. Accuracy in Media has reported that the Freedom of the Press Foundation “is made possible by the fiscal sponsorship of the Foundation for National Progress,” the publisher of Mother Jones magazine, which is backed by several prominent liberal foundations, including the Open Society Institute of billionaire George Soros.

Loudon noted statements Greenwald delivered at an international communist conference, including that “the only thing that can truly strengthen America’s national security is a weakening of America.” Loudon responded that “He openly wants to see America weakened militarily. What better way to weaken America militarily, to the advantage of Islamic terrorism, than to weaken or destroy the NSA?”

Loudon, who broke the story of former White House official Van Jones’ Marxist background, says many left-wing groups backing Edward Snowden have one thing in common—they hate and distrust America. “Many of them have ties to Marxist or anti-American groups,” he says. “Some are linked to international communist fronts. Several are tied to hostile foreign regimes. Their agenda in most cases is to weaken America’s defenses. Attacking and weakening the NSA would be cheered on by America’s enemies all over the globe.”

“The United States has always had its enemies in Congress and the media,” says Loudon. “What is of most concern is that millions of American patriots, motivated by genuine constitutional concerns, have been turned into attack dogs against one of their few remaining effective means of national defense. America’s enemies must be laughing uproariously over this. Political influence on NSA, if any, should indeed be questioned. The constitutionality of its methodology should be debated. But Americans need to turn their guns on those who would gut the NSA, not those would defend it.”

The outcome of the Bradley Manning case sheds light on the nature of WikiLeaks and its collaborators. Manning, a former Army intelligence analyst, was convicted in July of espionage for stealing and leaking classified information to WikiLeaks, and has now apologized for damaging America’s national security. “I am sorry that my actions hurt people,” he said. “I’m sorry that they hurt the United States.”

Manning had supporters on the left and right, including former Congressman Ron Paul, who called him a “hero.” A left-wing group that includes Jeff Cohen and Norman Solomon has proposed that Manning receive the Nobel Peace Prize.

Cohen, a professor of journalism at Ithaca College, is the head of the institute that gave that award named after Soviet agent of influence I.F. Stone to Glenn Greenwald. Solomon, who unsuccessfully ran for Congress as a Democrat, was endorsed in that run by Greenwald.

Greenwald endorsed Rep. Rush Holt in New Jersey’s special Senate Democratic primary election on August 13th, and even appeared on Holt’s behalf in an online town hall meeting. But Holt came in third, with only 17 percent of the vote, getting trounced by Cory Booker.

Still, as Loudon’s nearly 700-page book demonstrates, the Marxists have a strong presence in the Democratic Party. His detailed account of “Communists, socialists and progressives in the U.S. Congress” is the work of an investigative reporter covering the stories that are just ready and waiting to be exposed by the U.S. media.

The irony is that a blogger from New Zealand has to do the job for us.

  • A partial list of Trevor Loudon’s speaking dates can be found here.

Cliff Kincaid is the Director of the AIM Center for Investigative Journalism and can be contacted at [address removed].

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Barbara Knick
Long term storage healthy food for now and later

"One of the most fantastic phenomena of modern times has been the unbelievable success of the Communist conspiracy to enslave mankind. Part of this has been the result of two species of ignorance---ignorance concerning the constitutional requirements needed to perpetuate freedom, and secondly, ignorance concerning the history, philosophy and strategy of World Communism."
The Naked Communist by W. Cleon Skousen

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