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Fwd: Senate Meetings by Liberty Lobbyist for Florida Second Amendment Act

From: Bob W.
Sent on: Tuesday, February 11, 2014, 5:51 PM
I was with John in Tallahassee today delivering these packages. Please, please call your Senator.
Thank You!
Bob White

Sent from my iPhone

Begin forwarded message:

From: Francisco at FLTAC <[address removed]>
Date: February 11, 2014, 11:24:58 AM EST
To: [address removed]
Subject: Senate Meetings by Liberty Lobbyist for Florida Second Amendment Act
Reply-To: Francisco at FLTAC <[address removed]>

Hello ,

This message is going exclusively to the Florida Tenth Amendment Center followers and activists. The importance of this message cannot be understated. Please encourage every Floridian you know to take action…

Starting today we have invested in our Liberty Lobbyist, John Hallman of Liberty First, so he can deliver an essential package of information to each Florida Senator’s office. The message of this package is simple, “The Second Amendment Preservation Act, the most significant state legislation protecting the Second Amendment in the history of Florida.”

A Senate sponsor is needed immediately so we can use resources to push this legislation all the way to the governor’s desk. Can you help?

Let your Senator know to expect John Hallman’s package:

  1. NEW: Let your Senator know that John Hallman will be visiting them with information on
    the Florida Second Amendment Preservation Act at

  2. Tell your Senator to sponsor the 2nd Amendment Preservation Act at

  3. Using our tools at the link above, make a quick phone call to your State Senator asking them to Sponsor & File the Companion Bill for HB 733.

  4. Share with your friends, family and anyone that must support the Second Amendment.

In Liberty,

Francisco Rodriguez

Florida Tenth Amendment Center


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