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FW: [9-12-melbourne] Fwd: Don't miss this special webinar guest appearance

From: Bob W.
Sent on: Friday, October 17, 2014, 2:23 PM


Subject: [9-12-melbourne] Fwd: Don't miss this special webinar guest appearance
From: [address removed]
To: [address removed]
Date: Fri, 17 Oct[masked]:16:32 -0400

These are great webinars. American Policy and Sustainable Freedom Lab are the leaders in the fight against Agenda 21. Sign up for this webinar. It's going to be a good one!

SFL Logo
Sustainable Freedom Lab
October 17, 2014

I am excited to be appearing on Tom DeWeese' webinar series this Sunday, October 19 at 6 PM EST. The information is below.  John A.

Tom DeWeese

Do not miss the next
American Policy Center
"Stop Agenda 21" Webinar
October 19th 

(6:00pm Eastern Time
3:00pm Pacific) 

How To Stop Agenda 21 - Part 2   
1.John Anthony - Head of Sustainable Freedom Lab, is a leading expert in dealing with Planners. He has met with them, he has debated them, and he has studied their goals, tactics and funding. John knows how to confront them and how to stop them. John has created a special report entitled "Inside the World of Planning" and he will show you the tactics they use behind the scenes to create regional planning and enforce Sustainable Development in your community and in your state. He'll show you how grants taken voluntarily by local governments come attached to federal and international development dictates. The most important aspect of John Anthony's presentation is that he is able to describe the intent, implementation and dangers of planning in a simple, clear manner that's easy for everyone to understand.
John Anthony will give you a step by step process to challenge, confound and stop planners in your community. You have never heard anything like John's presentation.                
2.Hal Shurtleff/Larry Cleveland - Hal Shurtleff is a field coordinator for the John Birch Society and has been a tireless organizer in the fight against Agenda 21. We have been allies for years.  Larry Cleveland used to be just a normal resident living in a quiet town called Rindge, New Hampshire. Then one day Larry found out about some strange policies coming out of his city council that were going to affect his private property. He was horrified when he discovered new Sustainable Development policies about to invade his quiet town. He eventually teamed up with Hal Shurtleff and the battle was on. Larry created "Save our Town" and the result was that Rindge, New Hampshire succeeded in kicking Agenda 21 out. Step one was to get the town out of regional planning. Step two was to force local government to get voter approval before taking HUD grants. Step three was to elect the right people to the local government in the first place. They did all three.
Hal Shurtleff and Larry Green successfully led a drive to stop Agenda 21 in their community in New Hampshire. And they are still pushing the fight to tear down all the policies that had been put in place.  This is vital, successful information you need to start the process in your town!   
Join us on October 19th to learn from each of these experts!             
If you've already signed up for our webinars you'll be able to login and watch the webinar here:

To signup for our webinars go to the registration page:

Look forward to seeing you there!
John Anthony
Sustainable Freedom Lab
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