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FW: Scott & Posey Sign Wave ! Friday, 3:30-6:00

From: Bob W.
Sent on: Friday, October 31, 2014, 6:00 AM


From: [address removed]
To: [address removed]
Subject: Scott & Posey Sign Wave ! Friday, 3:30-6:00
Date: Thu, 30 Oct[masked]:55:35 -0400

From: Michelle Herbeck

Attention Bill Posey and Rick Scott supporters!


We are planning a sign wave on Friday Oct. 31 at the corner of 520 and Courtenay Pkwy starting at 3:30 until 6:00. 


Also we are looking for people to man the early voting location at Kiwanis Island on Saturday.    If you can come by anytime during that day it will be appreciated.  Please let me know what time you think you can stop by.


Finally we will do another sign wave  on 520 and Courtenay again on Monday Nov. 3rd  at 3:30 until dark.


Lastly if anyone is able to  get up early on Tues morning to put signs up at their  polling places in District 2  I would appreciate it.  My hubby and I will sign wave at polling locations on Merritt Island throughout the day.  If you can be at your precinct at least at the busy times in the morning, at noon or after work that would be great.


I will bring signs etc on Friday.  Or email me and I will get some to you. 



Cell phone [masked]