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Happy New Year! Important Meeting January 5th!

From: Bob W.
Sent on: Wednesday, December 31, 2014, 5:47 AM
Greetings RLC Members and Friends,
As we close the book on 2014 and look forward to all that 2015 has in store for us I want to thank you for all that you have done this past year to defend Liberty, and wish each of you a very happy, healthy and prosperous new year!
We have a great meeting lined up for Monday evening, January 5th. John Hallman and Danielle Alexandre from Liberty First Network will be our guest speakers. They will be reviewing the LFN legislative agenda for the 2015 legislative session and we will be releasing the RLC Florida legislative agenda as well. We will announce plans for the annual RLC Florida Liberty Days lobbying trip to Tallahassee and we will update everyone on our Come Clean Florida, campaign finance reform efforts. It is certain to be an excellent meeting that you will not want to miss. Memaw's BBQ, 600 E. Eau Gallie Blvd. Social / dinner hour at 6:00, meeting starts promptly at 7:00.
Don't forget to mark your calendars for Saturday evening September 12th. Our 2015 Constitution Day Dinner will be our biggest and best ever. We are excited to be welcoming Fox News Contributor, Author and Freedom Works Outreach Director Deneen Borelli as our Keynote Speaker for the evening.
2015 will be an exciting year for us as we gear up for the crucial local, state and federal elections in 2016. Help us kick the year off right by joining us this Monday at Meemaw's! I look forward to seeing you there!
In Liberty!
Bob White
Chairman, RLCCEF
Chairman, RLC Florida