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RE: Volunteers Needed In Philadelphia August 20-24

From: Kenholio
Sent on: Wednesday, August 15, 2012, 5:39 PM





                FYI, if you’re so inclined. 


Please pardon any duplication.  Seeing how I’m one of those being challenged, I’m trying to hit as many people as possible.  Last time this sort of challenge happened, the statewide Libertarian candidates were threatened with fines of over $100,000 if they didn’t withdraw.  (  Let’s hope we win the challenge, or the next time you hear from me it may be about a fundraiser...


                - Ken





Ken V. Krawchuk

Author, Atlas Snubbed: An Unsanctioned Pastiche Parody


[address removed]

(215) Krawchuk (but never before noon on weekends)


PO Box 260

Cheltenham, Penna.  19012



From: Erik Viker [mailto:[address removed]] On Behalf Of [address removed]
Sent: Wednesday, August 15,[masked]:00 AM
To: Erik Viker
Subject: Volunteers Needed In Philadelphia August 20-24


ALERT: Volunteers Needed In Philadelphia August 20-24, 2012

On August 1, 2012, the Libertarian Party of Pennsylvania submitted nearly 50,000 petition signatures to get Gary Johnson and Judge Gray on the ballot in Pennsylvania. Only 20,601 signatures were required so we qualified for ballot access and as of now Gary Johnson will be on the ballot. However, on August 8, 2012, our petitions were challenged by those we believe are associated with the Republican Party, who fear Gary Johnson will draw votes away from Mitt Romney this November.

In the first stage of this challenge, there is an allegation that 26,000 petition signers were not registered to vote. While there are no grounds for this statement, the Court has ordered the Libertarian Party to supply a minimum of 20 individuals each day commencing Monday, August 20, 2012 from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. to check all 26,000 signatures at the Board of Elections to verify whether they are registered voters. If we don't have those volunteers, we cannot defend this challenge and Gary Johnson will not be on the ballot in Pennsylvania.

The Commonwealth Court Order reads (in part) as follows:

The review [of more than 26,000 signatures] will take place at the Philadelphia Board of Elections, 520 N. Delaware Avenue, Philadelphia, PA[masked] and shall be conducted under the supervision of Court personnel with the assistance of City of Philadelphia election employees, with the objective of stipulating to the validity or invalidity of these signatures. Review of challenged signatures will begin on August 20, 2012, at 8:30 a.m… Each party shall have present 20 individuals…who are capable of performing computer searches utilizing the SURE system. City of Philadelphia election employees will instruct these individuals on how to conduct searches on the SURE system. The signature review will continue between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday until further order of the Court…"

I call upon all who can make it to Philadelphia the week of August 20-24, 2012 to volunteer to help. I will be there all five (5) days. It would be very helpful if volunteers can participate for multiple days, but even one day will be highly appreciated.

The Volunteer Coordinator for this effort is Roy Minet, He can be contacted at [masked] (any time of the day or night) or at [address removed]. He will provide you with more details about how to get to the Philadelphia Board of Elections at 520 N. Delaware Avenue and with respect to parking and lodging issues. Please contact anyone else who may be able to help.

This is an opportunity for you to obtain valuable political experience while at the same time doing something important to help keep Gary Johnson on the ballot in Pennsylvania.

If you have any general questions about the current ballot access crisis or about the Libertarian Party of Pennsylvania, do not hesitate to contact me personally.

In Liberty,

Dr. Tom Stevens
LPPA State Chair
[address removed]


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