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Re: [running-257] new poll regarding length of runs

From: Kathy C
Sent on: Friday, September 28, 2012, 8:50 PM
I'm just getting back into running. Would love a one or two miler. All runs I see are too long for me!

On Fri, Sep 28, 2012 at 5:43 PM, Mike <[address removed]> wrote:

We're trying to find out what length of run you prefer.  I realize that very few people are actually going to answer this.  However, for those of you who are truly interested in participating in a run but just haven't made it out, perhaps you can answer the poll question.


Many thanks.  Participation in runs as the weather has cooled down has been pretty good.  We can make it better for all.


If anyone has any suggestions, feel free to offer them.




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