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SalsaCrazy Meetup: SalsaCrazy Halloween Party!

From: SalsaCrazy
Sent on: Sunday, October 5, 2008, 11:08 AM
Hello Everybody!

It's Evan (SalsaCrazy), and while this is not a specific meetup event (since it's simply too large a party), it's a SalsaCrazy event, and the largest, coolest, Halloween party in San Francisco (the whole Bay Area).

Yes, there is a salsa band! Yes, you MUST get tickets in advance (though the link above), and YES, prices do go up over time (in fact, I think today or tomorrow).

This is a large party with 10 DJ and multiple rooms, but our salsa room is gorgeous. Live Salsa with Julio Bravo!

Yes, beginning Salsa Lesson too! :) But, I repeat, you MUST get tickets in advance (as in NOW):

What to expect? There are A LOT of costumes, and there are thousands of people, and it's a total bash. If you arrive early, there's food and drinks too, and it's truly a San Francisco spectacle.

I've been doing these for about 8 years now, and they are BIG, BIG events!

Get a good costume, Get your tix, and Keep it Crazy!
SC - SalsaCrazy

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