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Time is Up - SalsaCrazy Salsa Meetups in March!

From: SalsaCrazy
Sent on: Saturday, February 28, 2009, 9:05 AM
Hello SalsaCrazy'ites...

It's time! Can you believe it? February is over, and March is here, which means, THIS MONDAY and THIS WEDNESDAY
, brand new four week progressive salsa dance lessons start at TWO stellar new locations!

Are you registered? Have you said yes (or no) on the Meetup?
SalsaCrazy's Bay Area Salsa Dance Meetup

If you'd rather go directly to the classes registration page, simply visit:

Now, I know not everyone needs salsa classes! In fact, many of you are simply read to get up and dance, right now. :) That's why we have a stellar event coming at the end of the month, with a live band (Mazacote).

It's going to be great, and it takes place at one of our new venues (which you just have to see), Rasselas Jazz club.
SalsaCrazy Classes at the Rockit Ro?
SalsaCrazy Classes @ Rasselas

Sign up for the party, sign up for the classes, but whatever you do, make sure to get out there and DANCE!
SC (SalsaCrazy)

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