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Salsa & Bachata classes on Tuesdays & Thursdays in the Gwinnett area

From: Sean
Sent on: Monday, March 11, 2013, 1:01 PM

Hi guys,

Anyone interested in taking Salsa & Bachata classes on
Tuesdays - classes starts tomorrow March 12th --

@ Elite Signature - Event Facility -

7pm - 8:15pm - Beginner Salsa & Bachata -- 6wk series

8;20pm - 9:45pm --  beginner / intermediate Salsa & Bachata -- 6wk series


Thursdays @ Lifetime Fitness - Sugarloaf  -- ongoing classes
1st hr Beginner Salsa & Bachata -
2nd hr Beginner / Intermediate Salsa & Bachata


go to the link for more info or feel free to give me a call or text.

If you would like to try out the class first.. Let us know, so we can expect you
and you can still get the pre-registration cost of the class.



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