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New Meetup: MT Bike Ride - Steele Canyon Loop in Rancho San Diego

From: Pete M.
Sent on: Wednesday, March 11, 2009, 3:48 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for San Diego Mountain Biking Meetup Group!

What: MT Bike Ride - Steele Canyon Loop in Rancho San Diego

When: March 13,[masked]:30 AM

Where: Click the link below to find out!

Meetup Description: FYI - I do this ride every Friday from the Starbucks in the above location.
Also, I have a road ride on Monday's at Fiesta Island and we ride the loop there. I am there all day long.

Description - Mountain Bike Ride:
Join us this Friday for a mountain bike ride. We'll meetup at 9:30am at the Starbucks parking lot.
I'll be there by around 9:00am. (You don't have to RSVP to show up)

We'll do some handling drills in the parking lot; then head down Willow Glen Dr turn right at Steele Canyon Rd and we'll hit the dirt there.

This ride varies in distance, but is about 15 miles long and it takes about 3 hours, is not very technical and is good for all levels of riding.

Helmets are required to come along on this ride. Bring camera (optional), food and something to drink as we'll be out for about 3 hours. Remember that you ride at your own risk.

Do call me if you have any questions
Pete And Wendy Cycling

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