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New trail in La Costa thanks to SDMBA!!

From: Aaron M.
Sent on: Friday, September 6, 2013, 12:31 PM

Good afternoon, I just wanted to drop everyone a quick note to recognize the great work done by our local chapter of the International Mountain Bike Association (IMBA). The San Diego Mountain Bike Association has worked with the Center For Natural Lands Management to create a great new trail behind La Costa Preserve called Copper Canyon. Rich Julien, Liason to La Costa Preserve worked diligently to get us access and lay out a sustainable fun trail design. It is really a great trail and a great effort in San Diegos ever dwindling trail riding locations. You can check out details and photos of the trail here:

Photos Here:

This is just another example of how IMBA and its local affiliates are expanding trail opportunities for all of us in addition to combating recent attempts to ban bikes from our local trails. If you have not already joined please consider joining. Our trail access is under constant threat. Your $30 dollar single membership helps support worthwhile trail projects, trailwork, and most importantly advocacy. Please go to and click on Join Now!!! Membership gets you a subscription to bicyling magazine, a pair of cool socks and tons of discounts from sponsors like Stone Brewing, REI, Turner Bikes etc.


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