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New Meetup: Got Themes? - Showcasing Wordpress Themes

From: Vid R.
Sent on: Friday, March 12, 2010, 8:38 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for Santa Cruz WordPress Group!

What: Got Themes? - Showcasing Wordpress Themes

When: Wednesday, April 14,[masked]:00 PM

903 Pacific Avenue Suite 101
Santa Cruz, CA 95060

What is a theme? Should I invest in a premium theme or take advantage of the free themes on What free or premium themes do members recommend? What is important to consider in selecting a theme? How do you tell if the theme is 'good code'? This meetup will address these questions and showcase the most favored themes used by our members.

When signing up for this event, you will be prompted to answer the following questions to help us prepare for the meetup:

1) What's your favorite Wordpress theme?
2) What premium theme company do you recommend (if any)?


Vid Raatior

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