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Surfers in WLA/SM/Culver Interested in Workout at Beach?

From: Marquez
Sent on: Sunday, August 1, 2010, 2:13 PM
Anyone in the Santa Monica, West LA, Culver City area ready to supplement that surf/gym workout by working out on the beach in Santa Monica using workout balls, and some weights?

The workout balls are thrown back and forth between partners. They vary in size and can be as big as or a little bigger then a basket ball, but are much heavier. Depending on how they are thrown and caught they workout different parts of the body. Doing it on the sand would probably add more of a workout. As for weights the ideal ones for the beach would probably be the ones that resemble a big ball that have a loop on the top which is how you carry them. The weights can be carried back and forth along the sand.

Anyone interested? I was thinking weekends, but maybe we could slip in a workout mid-week at sundown.


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