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Re: [bellydance-300] Anyone interested in attending the Temple of Inanna and Dumuzi ceremony 9/26?

From: Stacy Braslau-Schneck, C.
Sent on: Tuesday, September 15, 2009, 6:08 PM
Hi Valerie, 

I am not available that day, but as I am a member of the troupe House of Inanna I have most certainly passed this on to my troupemates!


Stacy Braslau-Schneck, MA CPDT-KA CAP2

Stacy's Wag'N'Train

San Jose, CA

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On Sep 15, 2009, at 1:22 PM, Valerie Voigt wrote:

Hi, everyone--

This is a little different sort of message--almost amounting to a religious commercial--so please feel free to hit DELETE!

The Temple of Inanna and Dumuzi is celebrating its Fall Equinox ceremony on Saturday, September 26.  This ceremony celebrates the courtship of the Sumerian Divine Couple Inanna and Dumuzi, and commemorates Dumuzi's ascent from the Underworld as His sister Geshtinanna descends into it.

The ceremony includes a ritual feast.  In the past, despite the small space (an apartment living room) we have had a dancer who performed during part of the feast:  not a lot of room for dramatic veil work, but she still did some lovely dancing.

This year, our usual dancer is not available.  If anyone here is interested in participating in this ceremony (which consists primarily of invocations, food and drink offerings, hymns, and readings from ancient Sumerian texts in English translation) and would wish to perform dance as an offering to Inanna and Dumuzi, we would welcome a dancer this year as well.  

It's important to understand that this is not a normal "performance opportunity"--it entails full participation, by everyone present, in a religious ceremony, details and needs of which I can provide.  We cannot offer any payment, although we will be happy to have a "tip jar" and encourage people to use it.  In the past, this ceremony has typically drawn 8 to 15 attendees, so it's not exactly a large crowd.  

The dancer/s (and drummer/s, if any) would be invited to share in the feasting as well.  There won't be room for a lot of musicians, but if the dancer brings live music instead of CDs, all are still invited to feast when not performing.  (In case this needs saying:  performers are not expected to bring potluck items, unless they wish to bring a favorite drink for their own enjoyment.) 

Please email me if interested.  If you want to find out more about the Temple first, you can google us or find us on

Thank you,

Valerie Voigt


"If sex and creativity are often seen by dictators as subversive activities, it's because they lead to the knowledge that you own your own body (and with it, your voice), and that's the most revolutionary insight of all."
               --- Erica Jong


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