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Assistant Organizers and Events

From: ML
Sent on: Monday, January 18, 2010, 5:49 PM
Hi All,

Michele and I had a missed communication about becoming an assistant organizer. I would like to send an update to that.

To prevent duplicate events or too many "hands in the kitchen" so to speak, please post your event ideas to the suggestion area first. If there are people interested, I'm happy to make it an event and make you a temporary organizer for that event. Or if you know there are people interested, I could make you a temporary organizer for the event without going through the suggestion area.

If someone is posting events regularly, I'm more than happy to set you as an asst organizer.

If any asst organizers are not posting regularly, I'll need to take you off until you're ready to post events again. Just hit me up when you're ready again.

For any outdoor events, the organizer must have experience with outdoor climbing. There is way too much risk for me to have just anyone do it. For example, I would trust Casey 100% but wouldn't trust myself since I am not familiar with setting up ropes or lead climbing.

That's it.

I want to say thank you very much to Michele for getting this group started with the PG meetups. I would have lagged miserably due to snowboarding season.
I'll be setting up a meetup to go to PG in SF. I love that place. Stay tuned..

BTW, if you snowboard or ski, I run the south bay snowboarding group too and welcome beginners to advanced riders.

All the best

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