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Re: [scala-phase] Public Spark class in November

From: Brian C.
Sent on: Saturday, October 10, 2015, 5:49 PM
On Sep 11, 2015, at 9:54 AM, Brian Clapper <[address removed]> wrote:

For those who are considering attending the public Spark class in November, it’ll be at the Regus center November 3 through November 5.

You can see the course outline, and register for the course, here:

The cost is $2,500 per person. That’s not inexpensive, I know, but demand for Spark and Spark training is high right now.

You can use discount code PHASE-15 to get a 15% discount off that price.

Assuming we get enough people to register for the course, it’ll run as planned, and I’ll be the instructor.

This class is definitely running. There are a few slots left, if anyone’s interested. The discount code, above, is still valid.

Note: I’m not pitching this class as a means of beefing up my income. I know that some people wait until they’re sure the class is actually scheduled, and it’s officially scheduled and going to run.


Brian Clapper, [address removed]
President and Principal Consultant: ArdenTex, Inc.
[masked] (office)
[masked] (cell)

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