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RE: [scifi-273] SF/F watch / Discussion

From: Terry
Sent on: Wednesday, December 12, 2007, 10:20 PM

Sounds good to me.


From: [address removed] [mailto:[address removed]] On Behalf Of John (Gaspode)
Sent: 12 December[masked]:43
To: [address removed]
Subject: [scifi-273] SF/F watch / Discussion


Hi All ..

We have talked about this for a while - I'd be interested to know who is seriously interested.

The idea is that we get together and watch 'something' - a movie, episode of a particular show, whatever (probably at Chez Gaspode initially at least). Then chat about it - effectively a book group with out the books.

Let me know if you are on for the idea.

I'd like to initially suggest 'Blade Runner - The Final Cut' (as we now have it on HD DVD) and as a provisional date the evening of the 28th Dec (Friday) and given this is probaly one of the most influential SF movies ever it seems like a good start ...

This is purely provisional to gauge interest ...


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