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Upcoming Conferences - Its a smorgasbord!

From: Chris C.
Sent on: Tuesday, February 25, 2014, 11:10 PM

Hi all,

We have several fantastic conferences coming up this year:

Agile Australia
Will be in Melbourne 17-18 June. Submissions for Agile Australia 2014 close in two weeks on 7 March 2014! If you haven't yet thrown your hat in the ring, now is the time!

If you have colleagues and friends who would be a great speaker at Agile Australia 2014, please encourage them to submit. We'd like as broad a range of perspectives included as possible.

You can comment on those already submitted and submit your own at

Scrum Australia
Postponed until 21-22 October in Sydney, with Henrik Kniberg confirmed as a keynote speaker. Keep an eye on for further details.

LAST Conference
It's back in July 2014. All the details are at this newsletter:
Submissions are being accepted now.

Chris Chan

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