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New Meetup: Intermediate Dive Otters Cove

From: Rocky W.
Sent on: Tuesday, September 15, 2009, 12:11 AM
Announcing a new Meetup for The Greater Bay Area Scuba Lovers Meetup!

What: Intermediate Dive Otters Cove

When: November 8,[masked]:00 AM

Otters Cove
Oceanview Boulevard X Sea Palm Avenue
Pacific Grove, CA 93950

This dive is for intermediate to advanced divers. If you have any questions about your skill level please see the Pisces rating page I have posted in the Files section.

Otters Cove has a tricky entry and a long swim out but the harbor seal action and the abundance of sea invertebrates can make it worth the bother. The kelp can be thick so be prepared to return under the forest canopy. A working compass and working compass skills are a must for this type of return. This dive is around a maximum of 55 feet.

Otter Cove is at the corner of Ocean View Boulevard and Sea Palm Avenue in Pacific Grove.

There should be plenty of street parking and cars parked in 2 hour slots can be shuffled between dives.

Learn more here: