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Seattle Electronic Music Scene Meetup Group is growing!

From: Ali D.
Sent on: Friday, August 9, 2013, 10:18 AM

Hey Electronic Music heads,

Can you believe it we're over 1000 members on the SEMS! Welcome to all our new members. Without your participation this meetup group wouldn't exist.


Quickly, I've been asked this several time, but if you're a promoter and want to add your events please e-mail me so that I can make you a event organizer here. The only requirement is to provide some sort of special offer to SEMS members which needs to be posted in the event description.



Also since we've hit our 1000 mark, I'm starting the planning for our 1000 member blow out dance party!

We're looking for guest DJs, planning volunteers and volunteers for during the event. Also if you are or know of a sponsor that wants to get great exposure let me know.


Our first sponsor, the Sea Sound Lounge, have generously provided the venue and we're working on the date/time specifics.


Again if you're interested in participating send me an email directly.


Now go dance!


Ali Daniali

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