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Looking for more lightning talk speakers

From: user 1.
Sent on: Friday, December 10, 2010, 1:02 PM
Hi everyone,

Our next meetup, as many of you know, is centered around Selenium lightening talks. But so far, we only have 3 confirmed speakers. To make this a worthwhile event, we need to find at least 5 more people to speak. Otherwise, we might have to cancel the event...

If you're considering giving a talk, please commit to doing so. It doesn't have to be fancy, and the topic can be anything of your choosing. Make it serious, make it funny, make it technical - whatever! Plus, it only has to be 5 minutes. If you've ever been to a Selenium meetup, you know this is a friendly group. So it's a great opportunity to get some presenting chops under your belt while being in a supportive environment.

Please respond back if you'd like to give a talk. As a reminder, the meetup is next Thursday, 6:30 pm, at Sauce Labs.

BTW: Did you hear about the first Selenium Conference? Cuz it's happening! :)


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