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Semantic Wave 2008 Report: Industry Roadmap to Web 3.0 & Multibillion Dollar Market Opportunities

From: Marco N.
Sent on: Wednesday, March 12, 2008, 1:06 PM
Hi New York Semantic Web Meetup,

The next Semantic Technology session is around the corner and as you
all know I had to limit the available RSVPs to 50, since this is the
maximum number we can safely accommodate in this location. Only
registrations with full name will be honored by building security, no
exceptions. Please don't forget to bring your Photo ID.

(short) Agenda

6.30pm Networking
7.00pm Introduction & Community News
7.15pm MediaWiki > Semantic MediaWiki
8.00pm Semantic Forms
8.45pm QA

I just downloaded the "Semantic Wave 2008" teaser from Project10X,
which is promoted along with the Semantic Technology Conference 2008
in San Jose.


Did anyone from the New York Semantic Web Meetup get a chance to read
the executive summary? I would like to discuss the document briefly at
the beginning of our session on Thursday before we dive into the
Semantic Wikis presentation. This will be more of a strategic business
briefing, the goal is to identify if there is already sufficient
interest in the group to setup a Semantic Business session around this
topic in form of a future New York Semantic Web Meetup. Any

Looking forward to meeting you tomorrow

Your New York Semantic Web Organizer

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