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Graphs with SQL & IBM The New DB2 RDF Graph Store

From: Marco N.
Sent on: Friday, June 1, 2012, 6:23 PM
Thank you for joining us last night at the Lotico session in New York
City with Kavitha Srinivas, Joe Celko, Victor Penev and Lora Aroyo.

It was great to be reminded of the challenges and complexities in
dealing with structured data in SQL environments. Thank you to Joe for
telling us a little more about the Adjacency List, Nested Sets and
Path Enumeration methods in SQL and how they are used in legacy
systems to allow you to work with structured data, trees and
hierarchies with SQL.

The motivation for the introduction of RDF & SPARQL to the feature
list and supported standards in DB2 as presented by Kavitha now I
believe makes even more sense to many developers and business stake
holders. Furthermore this announcement is another sign of continued
adoption of Semantic Web technologies in mainstream developer
environments and in leading database products.

I will continue to keep the session documentation (slides, links, etc)
up to date here:


Have a great weekend and I hope to see some of you again next week in
San Francsisco at SemTechBiz 2012


Marco Neumann

Join us at SemTech Biz in San Francisco June[masked] and save 15%
with the lotico community discount code 'STMN'

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