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may s n' b roundup

From: Rose
Sent on: Tuesday, May 29, 2007, 11:32 PM
We had another great stitch-fest a week and a half ago. Lesley is almost done with her brown sweater, and I continue on the sleeves of my 2+ year old red one. I'm giving it up for the summer and I'm going to knit a silk shell next.

Carrie continues to amaze - she showed up with with a bead loom and proceeded to drop jaws with her beads (it's easier than I thought) and with her admission that she also welds, knits, sews and god-only-knows what else!

Lesley brought her roommate Ruth, who's new to knitting and a friend of mine (Alyson) also dropped by ... she's on her first scarf. Finally, our new attendees were rounded out by Iryna, who is very experienced and was knitting on really, really small needles. She has more patience than I do.

I'm looking forward to seeing folks in June. Check the calendar. Our dates are June 7th and 21st... and I thought we could celebrate the solstice by ripping...

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