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Ideas for Nights Out and Hostings!

From: Nikki S.
Sent on: Saturday, October 1, 2011, 1:58 PM

Hi all,

Would really love some ideas for upcoming events!  Anything can be considered, from theatre, comedy nights or other things that are on locally or even in London!  Would also be very happy if anyone wants to host an evening out....just let me know.....first challenge is what to do for our next meet up on 21st October?


Christmas Do!

I know this is a long way off, but we have been offered a group discount of £38 per person for a lovely evening comprising a three course meal, (there is a veggie option) bottle of wine and entertainment in the form of the a film stunt horseman team who will put on a medieval evening of sword fights, jousting and so forth on their horses....there is audience participation ....I was carried off last year by the Black Knight!!!  It is also a chance to dress up in medieval attire and really join in the spirit and revelry of medieval England!


We have been offered several nights in December!  I would really love to get a table together, so please can you let me know asap in the next couple of weeks how many of you fancy this?


Nikki xxx