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Halloween bar crawl route decided!

From: Gareth M.
Sent on: Friday, October 11, 2013, 2:24 PM

So we have decided a route for this year's Halloween Costume Bat Crawl.  This event is legendary, and will be awesome again this year, I am sure.  We will be sticking to the North end of mission, mainly around 16th street, starting at the Sycamore on Mission between 17th and 18th.  Our route will be something this:

Sycamore - Awesome beer bar with good food

• Kilowatt - More divey fun

Dalva - A great range of cocktails

Gestalt Haus - Awesome German beer and sausages!

500 club - Classic Mission dive bar

This year I will be Lionel from the Peter Jackson classic Braindead, so to find us look for sweater vest, lawn mower, and lots of fake blood!

See you there!


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