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Re: Portrait paintings of your loved pet!!!

From: Kayla H.
Sent on: Friday, November 5, 2010, 12:09 PM
Dear Nicole...thank you so much for your very nice and thoughtful email. Losing Mobey was one of the most heart wrenching things I've ever gone through , the first couple of months were awful...words can't describe it. Always looking for him, thinking you hear him in the house still and just wanting to take him out one more makes me cry just thinking about it now. I really can't explain what the painting's in the t.v room right above our couch where we all sat together and him in his fave place on the couch...the leather is worn out a bit from the same place he laid each and everyday. I love that!!!
It's not just because my daughter painted it...of course that means so much too..but he was her Bulldog too!!!!  Thank you again.

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