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California Extreme July 28 - July 29

From: Jason Lars B.
Sent on: Monday, July 2, 2012, 4:44 PM

Hey Everyone,


There is an arcade convention coming up July 28- July 29 in Santa Clara called California Extreme.  The event is epic.  They has a ton of pinball machines, and pretty much every cabinet arcade game you have ever dreamt of all set on Free to play all day and night.  Seriously.  Check it out here:


I went 2 years ago, and had to leave because it was too exciting.


It would be great if the SF game developers could meetup at the event sometime that weekend. Let me know if someone has any ideas and I'll start a discussion thread (off the main meetup thread), otherwise I'll just make up and announce the specifics a little closer to the date.


Spots in the hotel go pretty fast so if you want to Stay the night on Saturday (the event goes until 2am), I'd suggest making a reservation pretty soon.




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