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Yorkie Secret Gift Exchange

From: Rodi (In memory of P.
Sent on: Tuesday, December 2, 2008, 8:10 AM
Hi SF Yorkie Lovers,

Our December Meetup / Poki's 4th Annual Howliday Soiree is only days away and we are looking forward to seeing all of yorkie friends again! For those who want to participate in the yorkie gift exchange, please bring a wrapped gift valued $15 or under to the Meetup. You will be given a number when you drop off your gift at the designated party table! That number will be the order in which you choose your gift. Gift ideas include doggie toys, treats, clothes and anything that a dog lover will appreciate. We had so much fun with the yorkie gift exchange last year and we are looking forward to doing it again this year! Should you have any questions, please let me know. Woof and Happy Howlidays!

Yorkies Forever Unite ~ POKI & Lucy

Note: Participation is not required.

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