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New Meetup: Shut Up and Write! Mission SF

From: Bob
Sent on: Tuesday, November 16, 2010, 11:50 AM
Hi Writers,

Sorry to schedule this late. Hope you can make it.


Your Organizer

Here are the details:

Announcing a new Meetup for Shut Up and Write! SF Bay Area!

What: Shut Up and Write! Mission SF

When: Wednesday, November 17,[masked]:30 PM

Where: Mission Creek Cafe
968 Valencia St
San Francisco, CA 94110

6:30 - Introductions
6:40 - Get down to business
7:40 - Brief Check-in
7:45 - People can continue to work, chat, or take off as they like. Mission Creek is open till 9 pm.

If you're spending too much time THINKING about writing, come and join us for a session of focused writing. It may just be "pipe-cleaning" for now, but you'll feel better showing up at the page. No one will see what you've written or give you unsolicited advice.

PLEASE NOTE: We set up in the back room behind the counter and opposite the bathroom. There are plenty of electrical outlets, so no worries about making sure your laptop battery is fully charged. AND: The radio is occasionally distracting for some, bring your iPod if you need to block out distraction! AND: Parking can be challenging, so use public transit if possible or leave plenty of time to find a spot; there's more parking south of Valencia if you don't mind walking a few blocks.

Quote of the Week:
"Our doubts are traitors, and make us lose the good we oft might win by fearing to attempt."

-- William Shakespeare

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