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New Meetup: Practitioner Discussion (SV Agile + BayXP + Cupertino Agile)

From: Jeffrey F.
Sent on: Wednesday, December 3, 2008, 1:15 AM
Announcing a new Meetup for Silicon Valley Agile Meetup!

What: Practitioner Discussion (SV Agile + BayXP + Cupertino Agile)

When: December 17,[masked]:30 PM

Where: Click the link below to find out!

Meetup Description: Third joint meeting of Sillicon Valley Agile with BayXP and Cupertino Agile.

As last time, this meeting will be run as an Open Space*. Each person should come with a topic they are interested in discussing. I will collect the topics, we'll vote on them and set the agenda for the rest of the evening.

Topic proposals can cover any subject related to Agile, but the best topics will relate to some real current problem or recent accomplishment. The scale of the proposed topics can vary. If we have a lot of small topics ("Any recommendations for testing my AJAX app?") then we'll cover more items than if we have larger ("How do you do your iteration planning?") or more controversial topics ("Is Scrum Evil?").

Previous topics included:

Advice for engaging a traditional QA organization as you transition to Agile?
Scrum adoption experience report
Redefining what "done" means
What metrics for outside consumption to show things getting better?

Topic collection and agenda creation will start at 6:30.

* We will roughly follow the Salt Lake Agile Roundtable protocol

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