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Upcomming Audition Notices.

From: Chili B
Sent on: Thursday, January 10, 2013, 3:47 PM

Hey folks...

from time to time I am asked to pass along audition information to the members of this Meetup group.

I do my best to make sure that pertinent information is included as available, but unless otherwise mentioned, I have NOT vetted or have personal knowledge of the professionalism or integrity of these people who are holding auditions.

Please use common sense when replying to ANY audition notice, and only offer pictures or phone numbers and email that you are comfortable giving out. Many actors have created separate email accounts and voice mail services for this purpose.

As a general guideline-it is not usually appropriate to meet ALONE at a strangers house for an audition.

If you must go to someones house, bring a friend.


If you are auditioning for a project it is also okay to ask for information from the person you are auditioning for such as their name or company so that you can do internet research to see if they are legitimate. Ask if they have any utube links of other projects.

Sometimes they will be total beginners with nothing to show, and that is allright too, as long as you understand they are novices and are learning as they go along.

But just because you are auditioning and want to be cast does not mean that you cannot ask pertinent questions.

If you must meet them to discuss the project try to meet at a public place such as starbucks.

If they ask for a resume, you might not want to include your home address on your resume. Many actors use a po box, or just email.

Also as a professional courtesy, find out the time commitment needed for the project and dont waste their time if you cannot commit to the project.


Most of these projects will not be PAID, but the producers should ALWAYS treat the talent with respect and dignity.

Never put up with unprofessional behavior, or abuse.


I hope you all have fun auditioning, and can grow and learn your craft and have fun and meet nice people while doing it.


Chili B.






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