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Social Connections Membership

From: Gail F.
Sent on: Tuesday, November 29, 2011, 10:56 PM

Hi Everyone,

A number of people have asked why the club is charging dues to be a member and want it to continue to be free.  Social Connections is a non-profit organization that is registered with the IRS.  Everyone that helps with the running of the club volunteers many hours of their time to ensure that there are many fun activities for everyone to enjoy.  They do such things as plan and set up events, create and arrange for news articles to be in the newspaper and other media, develop an attractive newsletter, maintain our website, answer phone and internet inquiries, pay bills, and send necessary mail out.  They also help run activities which includes taking reservations, purchasing necessary food items, coming early to set up events, providing hospitality to new attendees, ensuring that the event runs smoothly, and staying late to cleanup.  While we do not pay any of the volunteers for their assistance, there are on-going expenses to run the club.  For example, we pay for such items as advertising, insurance, state taxes, refreshments (e.g., coffee, milk, soda, water, appetizers, salad, and dessert), paper products, paper for handouts and newsletters, printing, computer use, envelopes, and postage.  Our most expensive event is a dance, which cost about $1,200 for advertising, the facility, buffet, DJ, door prizes, handouts, and event insurance. 

Over the years, there has not always been sufficient monies to cover all of the club’s expenses.  When that has happened, the organizers have taken money out of their own pocket to make sure that the bills are paid and that the club continues.  When anyone comes to an event, it is well planned and organized.  We want everyone to enjoy themselves, have fun, and meet new singles.  As you know, we also advertise in many other ways besides Meetup so that there are always new people for you to meet.  We hope that this information explains the need for the club to charge dues so that it can maintain itself and continue.  We would appreciate any suggestions for events and invite you to volunteer in some way to allow the club to continue to be a viable organization.  Your $40 annual membership dues supports the existence of the club and allows you to attend some events free or pay a discounted admission fee.  If you need a membership form or have any questions, please email me or call me at[masked].  Thanks for coming to our events through the years and making Social Connections a great singles social club!

See you at an event, Gail  

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