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Social Connections Event Fee Reductions

From: Gail F.
Sent on: Saturday, April 28, 2012, 12:28 PM

Hi There,

 I accidently put the wrong admission fees for the Singles House Party in Bristol tonight, Saturday April 28, and the Singles Memorial Weekend Picnic in Old Lyme on Saturday, May 26.  Both events should have read:  Members $5, Guests $10.  I have included the revised information for both events below.

So far for tonight’s house party, there are 10 singles attending.  If you are coming, please call me at[masked].  Come join us!

 Have a great day, Gail


APRIL 28  (Saturday) SINGLES HOUSE PARTY at the cozy home of Gail Fuller in Bristol at 7 pm.  This will be a fun time!  Bring either an appetizer or dessert to share with everyone.  Members $5, Guests $10.  To reserve, call Gail[masked].  Directions to 35 Anthony Drive:  I‑84 Exit 33 (Rt. 72W), then Exit 1 (Rt. 177), right onto North Washington Street, at 1st light left onto Northwest Drive, at end right onto Camp Street, left onto O'Sullivan Drive, at end turn right to stop, left onto Brace Avenue, left onto Anthony Drive.




MAY 26  (Saturday) SINGLES MEMORIAL WEEKEND PICNIC at Gail Fuller’s beach cottage at Sound View, Old Lyme starting at 2 pm.  Singles from the  Southeastern CT Singles Assoc. will be joining us.  You can just hang out or walk on the beach.  A great way to start the holiday weekend!  For the picnic, bring a salad, entree, or dessert to share.  Members $5, Guests $10.  If you don’t want to bring food, add $5.  To reserve, call Gail in Bristol[masked] or Old Lyme[masked].  Directions to 46 Swan Avenue:  Rt. 9S to I‑95N, just over bridge take Exit 70, ramp end turn right onto Rt. 156, go 5 miles, turn right after Citgo gas station onto Swan Avenue,   after 1st stop sign, 3rd house on left.  You cannot park on street.  When you reserve, you’ll receive information on where to park.



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