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Re: [singles-2167] New Meetup: Trust: God, the universe and each other.

From: user 9.
Sent on: Wednesday, January 27, 2010, 2:09 PM
No it will be free distant healing for Leslie from Keith. I have asked my long time friend Keith to give a few friends of mine distant healing. They felt his energy healing and it helped them.  Keith is a kind beautiful soul who lovingly cares about people and would never turn anyone down. He has paying clients according to what they can afford, and non paying clients who get healing free of charge. I mentioned Keith to my girlfriend Linda, and she asked if Keith could sending healing to her 17 year old dog who could hardly walk, which he did. She saw an amazing difference and energy in her dog. She wanted to pay Keith for the distant healing and he declined the money offer.  He was happy to just know the healing helped. Occasionally I would ask him for a Tarot reading for me or a friend in need, and he gave it without wanting money for it.
So you see there are people who work from the heart.
I do hope you have a wonderful time at your meetup.
With Love and Light,
In a message dated 1/27/2010 1:28:23 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, [address removed] writes:
I guess Leslie would have to pay for this help?