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Halloween Party Reminder

From: michael r.
Sent on: Wednesday, October 15, 2014, 12:31 PM




Be sure you don’t miss the best party in town,

Get into costume - goddess, vampire or clown.


Eat, drink and dance one hundred percent,

Tickets still available for the year’s best event


Sign up now so you won’t be left out,

We don’t want you to miss it - you’ll sit home and pout


Get your tickets below and bring your receipt,

Prepare to have fun with the characters you’ll meet.


See you Friday the thirty-first of October

We’ll provide a ride home, if you are not sober.



Remember, your RSVP on MeetUp will not get you in to the party. There are no sales at the door and we will stop selling tickets on the partytime website when we reach capacity (240)


Purchase your tickets at


We will have a check-in sheet at the door. Please print out your receipt for verification.


21 and over – please bring your ID



See you at the party!
Your Halloween Party Committee

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