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Bowling at Lucky 66 [masked]th St. NW)

From: Connie T.
Sent on: Friday, August 26, 2016, 6:16 PM
Hey Fellow Bowlers,
We are so pleased that the owner/ management at Lucky 66 are willing to negotiate a fair rate to bowl at their center.
As an introductory package, on August 31st we are being offered a rate of $2.00 per game with free bowling shoes. However, this rate per game could go up to $3.00, plus the cost of renting shoes. But again, we are negotiating and with everyone's support we could possibly retain the $2.00 a game. So please come and bowl with us on Wednesday, August 31st at our new venue and show Lucky 66 that we are serious about bowling and having fun.

See ya at Lucky 66,
