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New Meetup: The Lemp Experience: OooOooOoooo

From: Christina
Sent on: Friday, February 5, 2010, 5:37 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for The St. Louis Skeptics Meetup!

What: The Lemp Experience: OooOooOoooo

When: Thursday, April 15,[masked]:00 PM

The Lemp Mansion Restaurant and Inn
3322 DeMenil Place
Saint Louis, MO 63118

Let's go to the Lemp Mansion and participate in The Lemp Experience - a haunted tour through Lemp Mansion!


1. Don't be an a-priori skeptic.
2. Be nice to the people giving the tour. We will get more interesting information out of them if we don't scoff!

The Lemp experience is a tour put on by the group Supernatural Investigations.

The price is $25 and can be paid at the door. Price includes:

Soft Drink or cocktail
The use of an infrared camera to record your journey through the darkened mansion.

Learn more here:

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